While everyone believes themselves to be special as a child, most grow out of this by their teens. But not everyone. Jonty Clayton always thought he deserved better in life, despite being relatively well off, and was able to find like minded individuals online. Encouraged by these people he sought to take what he felt he deserved. Which resulted in him getting arrested and on a register. While in prison his cell mate hypnotised him. Surprisingly he unlocked super abilities. Now no cell can hold Jonty, no door can bar him; but he can bar others as The Gatekeeper.
This is the sixteenth character in my Phenomenal Paragons series. The introduction to which is here. It is inspired by Jacob Pisson's World's Strongest series, here.
This character was inspired by a recent (Feburary 2021) discussion on a friend's Discord regarding the Marvel characters of Snowflake and Safespace which were introduced to the New Warriors comic back in March of 2020. Snowflake and Safespace are "psychic-er" twins. One of whom is non-binary and a cryokinetic (Snowflake) and the other generates force-bubbles to defend others (Safespace). They're people of colour and pretty heavy handed LGBT representation. The discussion got around to what their villainous counterparts would be called. In the end we came up with the names and concepts of the "Gatekeeper" and "Alpha Male". Naturally this is my take on Gatekeeper with The Alpha coming next.
The Imbued Hero gets their powers from an imbuing agent. Like a drug or something. This gives the character a limited amount of time to get up to their super stuff. This being Palladium there are a number of d100 charts to role on to generate these aspects, Which are expressed as questions. Refreshingly it says I can just pick from them. So naturally I roll on them.
- The first aspect is the nature of the imbuing agent. I roll Hypnotism/Brainwashing. Which is interesting. Somehow the character needs to post hypnotic trigger to go into power mode.
- The second deals with how addictive it is. I roll the maximum. Which is to say "Debilitating and Deadly". So if the character doesn't have their fix (or use their power) at least once every day then they could die from "system shock". So in this case if they don't use their trigger at least once a day they could die. From what? Power build up?
- The third question is who can use the imbuing agent to gain super abilities. In this case I get "...only the... hero". Which suggests the power is inherent to them, but either locked or controlled by post hypnotic triggers.
- The fourth asks who can make the agent. I get "Only those instructed by the... hero". This tells me that while he knows his trigger, he can't use it on himself and has to teach it to others to access his powers. This makes him dependent on a team.
- The fifth question asks how long each "dose" of agent lasts. I get 2 hours.
- The sixth asks how frequently the agent can be taken and I get "...As needed or desired".
- The final step is how many super abilities and I get two major and two minor. Which is good as that's how many I need to do what I want to do with this character.
- The minor power of Doorway allows a character to open a door through any wall they touch that's five foot thick or less.
- The minor power of Window allows a character to look through one window and see out any other window within range.
- The major power of Gateway permits a character to open a portal to anywhere in the world, as long as they have the location memorised.
- The major power of Portals allows a character to open portals to anywhere within range, but nobody can see through the portals thus created.
- Gatekeeper can create a doorway/gateway on any surface and link it, or any pre-existing doorway/gateway to within any other doorway/gateway...
- ...Within Portals range...
- ...Or further to any one of (3 at first level) previously memorised locations. I choose their old prison cell (because being able to dump his opponents there is amusing), their base of operations, and I'll leave the third slot open for mission/adventure specific locations.
- They can focus and look through their doorways.
- Since I'm limiting both Gateways and Portals I give the character an ability to manipulate the locks on doors they touch. It's automatic but not instant.
Name: Jonty Tobin Clayton
Super Identity: The Gatekeeper
Team: White Knights
Level: 1 Imbued 'Hero'.
Height: 5'8", Weight: 200lbs, Age: 21
Alignment: Miscreant
IQ 11, ME 11, MA 11, PS 14, PP 11, PE 13, PB 12, Spd 14
Hit Points: 18, S.D.C.: 49, P.P.E.: 10
Nature of Imbuing Agent: Hypnotic Conditioning
Addiction: Debilitating: Must use at least once every 24 hours or suffer withdrawal. 10% chance of death by shock every time they go into withdrawal.
Who can use: Just Gatekeeper.
Who can make: Anyone instructed by Gatekeeper.
Dose Duration: 480 rounds/120 minutes/2 hours.
How Often: As often as needed.
Superpowers: 2 minor, 2 major
"Gatekeeping" (Doorways, Windows, Gateway, Portals)
- Can open a doorway in a wall by touching the wall, which can penetrate up to 5' of wall. Created doorways are up to 10' high and 4' wide. (Dur: lvl rnds; 1 action to activate. Must remain in contact)
- Can look through any doorway within sight and look out of any other doorway within range [100'+(lvl-1)x10'], as if they were the same doorway. (Dur: lvl min; all actions)
- Can connect any two doorways within [300'+(lvl-1)x30'], but can't look through them. Other side of doorway looks normal. Those who pass through without expecting it will be disorientated for 1d4+2 rounds. (Dur: 1d4 rnds, unless doorway ceases; 1 action)
- Can connect any two doorways on the planet, as long as they have been through at least one of them before. Can only recall [lvl+2] locations at any one time. Can also connect to any doorway within range as 2. or 3.
- Can automatically lock and unlock conventionally locked doors and gates with a touch. No lock picking tools needed. Lockpicking/Locksmith/Safecracking skill for unconventional locks is considered 98% (1 action/rnd until lock picked)
Natural Skills:
Lockpicking 98%
Scholastic Skills:
Advanced Maths, Art (Computer Graphics), Athletics, Basic Maths, Botany, Boxing, Business & Finance, Cardsharp, Computer Hacking, Computer Ops, Computer Programming, Dieting, English Language, English Literacy, History (General), HTH Expert, Law (Business), +Language, +Literacy, +Literacy, Pickpockets, Public Speaking, Research, Sport, Streetwise, Streetwise (Drugs), Writing.
Secondary Skills:
Accounting, Business Management, Computer Repair, Entrepreneurship, Palming, Pilot (Automobile), Streetwise (Darkweb), W.P. Archery, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Bolas.
Coma/Death: +0%
Harmful Drugs/Toxins (15+): +7
Horror Factor: +0
Insanity: +0
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +0
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +7
Psionics (15+): +0
Possession: +0
Initiative: +0
Attacks: 2+2
Strike: +0 (+1 Blunt)
Damage: +0
1d4 Athletic Strike
2d4 Bolas
Parry: +4
Dodge: +3
Roll with Punch: +6
Pull Punch: +0
Disarm: +0
Critical: Nat.20
Carrying Capacity: 140 lbs; Lifting: 280 lbs.
Stamina: Carry Max 52 minutes, 26 minutes while running or fighting. Lifting for 13 rounds (195 seconds; 3.25 minutes).
Ground Speed: 9.8 mph for 13 minutes (2 miles)
Leaping Distance: 3'6" high, 7' broad with a running start. 2'1" high, 4'2" broad with a standing start.
Jonty Clayton thought he deserved more than his privileged middleclass upbringing brought him. He fell in with a bad crowd online and ended up in the far-right undercultures of incels and white supremacy. Eventually he tried to act on his 'wants' and was caught, arrested and put on a register. Doing prison time his cell mate hypnotised him, awakening super abilities in the young man. The two escaped and Jonty found himself on Ennor. Getting in touch with contacts on the island he hooked up with the White Knights, a team of racist arseholes.
While Jonty knows his trigger and can teach it to others, but can't use it on himself. He also can't remember who it was who implanted the trigger and escaped from prison with him.
Now wanted by the authorities Jonty has become an a terrorist and criminal with his fascist allies.
Join me next time when I finally present you The Experiment.
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