So in previous posts in this series I've shared my notes on Resolve, the Delirium & Dementia table, Choleric, Katochic, Melancholic and Phlegmatic dementia.Now:
In this post I'll close with the phobic and sanguine dementia.
Phobic Dementia.
Phobic comes from the Greek word "phobia", which means fear. Phobia isn't one of the four humours and is, infact, the only dementia with a real world association. However, where other games have produced long lists of realist and real-named phobias, I'm intending to go the other way. At no point have I attempted to simulate real mental illness here. Instead aiming for a fun and gameable dementia. That said, it would be remiss of me to not include phobia amongst them.
When it comes to the phobic dementia the afflicted character suffers from an irrational fear of a thing (suggestions for things listed below).
When they encounter that thing, or something that they associate with that thing, then they must make a save versus Madness. If they fail they suffer an immediate attack of Delirium of the same severity as their dementia (so moderate phobia manifests as moderate delirium). This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the amount the save was failed by. (Roll 1d6 for each point of failure and the delirium lasts that total in seconds)
- Arcane Magic
- Birds
- Blood
- Cats
- Children/Halflings
- Crowds
- Darkness
- Death
- Divine Magic
- Dogs
- Dwarves
- Elves
- Enclosed Spaces
- Filth
- Fire
- Heights
- Humans
- Insects
- Light
- Men
- Mold & Slime
- Open Spaces
- Reptiles
- Sex
- Solitude
- Strangers
- Undead
- Water
- Women
- Other (being anything else not on this list)
Sanguine Dementia.
Sanguine is the last of the classical four humours, it's associated with blood, and an enthusiastic temperament.
Roll 1d6.
- Hubris: The afflicted believe themselves to be superior to others and expect themselves to be treated accordingly.
- Monomania: The opposite of a phobia, monomania is an irrational attraction towards something. Use the Phobia table above to find out what it is they’re attracted to.
- Masochism: The afflicted enjoy pain in all its forms and seek it out, going so far as to wound themselves in its pursuit.
- Religious Zeal: The afflicted feels the touch of the divine, resulting in a newfound or strengthened faith.
Their Dementia score acts as a bonus versus those opposed to their faith and a penalty towards their own faith. - Ritual Compulsion: The afflicted feels compelled to perform certain actions as a personal ritual otherwise they are convinced that “something bad” will happen. Either to them or their companions.
Add the Dementia score to their personal initiative when resolving actions. - Word Flow: The afflicted continually speaks, seemingly stringing together random sounds and noises, as if it were a language.
Not only does this make stealth impossible but it is disastrous for spellcasters, making magic use difficult in most cases. Stealth is penalised by the full Dementia score, which also adds to initiative when casting spells. Half the Dementia score is applied to the Wyrd cost for casting spells and using abilities and talents.
For now.
I mean, I still have to write explain how to cure this stuff.
So we'll back for that, whenever that may be.
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