Friday, 24 February 2023

I Live!


Reports of my passing have been greatly exaggerated, yadda yadda.

So yeah it's what, 22 months since my last post here? Something like that. Maths is hard; I should have been a Stripper (this is a joke; I know most strippers are self employed and thus probably competent at maths. Also I stole the joke).

So what, you may ask, happened?

Well it wasn't the 'Rona. I've only gotten sick twice since the pandemic officially started. One of those was probably food poisoning and the other wasn't Covid19. Although it was nasty enough to leave me with something like post viral fatigue.

What actually happened was that I had nothing to say.

I started half a dozen posts about superhero games. I looked at every supers system I had access to and left feeling like I couldn't make a satisfying conversion. My posts went unfinished. My attempts at converting just one character (Ms Fury) into other systems were abandoned.

I fell into depression. I couldn't write. I had nothing to say.

Then we moved. To a much nicer house. But we're down a bedroom and our daughter is in the process of moving back in with us. We've too much stuff and not enough space. It's chaotic and draining. We started boxing things up in December, moved first week of January, and we're still unpacking.

But I'm back to writing. I mean I'm not back to stay. I'm sure something else is going to loom over the horizon and take the wind out of my sails. 

Today I started writing an essay I'm calling Points of Darkness. I was just trying to deACKs Fon Choille. Now I have a thing. Help!

I've mostly been doing #Dungeon23 in what little time I have spare. (I have lots of time, just little energy). I even started on a Sublevel for the Megadungeon I'm building with it so I could do more than one room a day.

So hopefully this is me back for a while.

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