Monday, 27 April 2020

Heroes Unlimited: Myriad Mutants: Ruzhu Wei-Wei

And this little piggy went... all the way home.

Born in 1989 Wei-Wei was obviously different from the outset, with a metallic glint to her skin. The full extent of her mutant abilities didn't become evident until her third year. The hide-and-seek incident was terrifying for her family. She vanished and then was found, apparently dead, in a cupboard. Only for her to suddenly awake with a giggle. The wood and tentacles were a surprise, but much less so.

1999 was the year Hong Kong was due to be handed back to China, and China's attitude towards mutants was well known. Not wanting their daughter taken and enslaved, the family made the difficult decision to split up. Wei-Wei and her mother, Mei-Mei, moved away to Ennor on the eve of the handover. Before her tenth birthday Wei-Wei found herself uprooted to a new country, a new island, and a new city, without her father and brothers. It was less traumatic than expected. The old fashioned Chinese buildings of Little Hong Kong made the neighbourhood feel quaint and homely. The great-aunt with the ailing restaurant business was kind and welcoming. The cousins less so, after Mei-Mei took over and rescued the restaurant. But the community backed her up, especially after she created the "Little Princesses Club".

Wei-Wei had already begun her training in Wui Wing-Chun but some of her new friends expressed an interest in learning. Her mother encourage the interest and what started as mother and daughter's after-school practice became an after-school club for girls of all ages in the neighbourhood. Beyond, even, when a Hindi family from Banger Town enrolled their daughter, Aditi, into the club; forming a bond between the two communities that blossoms to this day.

When she was 16 Wei-Wei was headhunted by a modelling agency. She didn't like how toxic the industry was but persevered through the five years she was in-vogue for. After 'retiring' at the age of 22 she started up her own agency, vowing that the people she represents will be treated well. Many of her clients are alumni of the Little Princesses Club, including Bollywood actress Aditi Rao.

The following year two of her brothers, Happy and Piggy, moved to Ennor with their families. Happy took over running the restaurant, Piggy and his wife, Sandi, opened a burlesque club in an adjoining building already owned by the family.

Then the person her brothers had come to Ennor to evade caught up with them, dragging a secret niece and the girl's mother, along with her. This Deidre "Dye-Daii" Long; literally the "Big-Bad Wolf"; abducted the Ruzhu family and held them hostage until Lucky and Red surrendered to her. Long's first action after capturing the entire Ruzhu family was to murder the abducted girl's mother. Both the girl and Red erupted with power at the shock. She, Wei-Yu, became a winged phantom sylph while Red transformed into a molten scarlet, demonic, figure of fire. As Red rushed Long and Wei-Yu wailed over the body of her mother. Wei-Wei took the opportunity to free herself and her family, each joining the fight in turn. Long, and her minions, were a match for the smaller group of mutants but the tide was turned when local masked vigilantes, guided by the Little Princesses, arrived in force.

Long was quickly overwhelmed and captured. Then imprisoned. Everything went back to what passes as normal for the Ruzhu family. At least for the next seven years or so.

Name: Ruzhu "Fern" Wei-Wei
Super Identity: Bamboo
Level: 6, Mutant
Height: 5'9", Weight: 120 lbs, Age: 30.
Alignment: Taoist.
Disposition: .
IQ 24, ME 21, MA 18, PS 19 (29*), PP 17, PE 23, PB 33, Spd 25
Hit Points 48, S.D.C. 52, P.P.E. 25, Chi 38.
(*Tentacles; Supernatural strength)

Age of Awakening: 3 (Although most of her mutant characteristics were evident from birth)
Cause of Mutation: Genetic Aberration.
Mutant Characteristics: Broad Mutation (4 random, 3 cosmetic)
Eyes: Independent Eyes.
Animal 1: Hibernation: Only needs 10% oxygen when hibernating; no food nor water required. Appears dead except to medical examination.
  1. Level 1 Hibernation: Takes 2 actions and lasts for up to 23 hours. She is completely aware and can leave hibernation at any time for the cost of no actions.
  2. Level 2 Hibernation: Tales 4d6 minutes to enter from level 1 and lasts up to 11.5 months. Takes 5d6 minutes to leave. She is completely unaware for duration and must decide how long hibernation will last when she enters it.
Neural: Extraordinary IQ.
Combat: Retractable Knee & Elbow Spikes. +1d6 damage to knee & elbow strikes. +1 Horror Factor when extended.
Skin: Sunproof Skin: Half damage from Light
Face: Angelic Face:
Skin: Metallic (but otherwise normal complexion)

Superpowers: 2 major
Matter Expulsion: Wood: +10% climbing wooden structures.
  • Shoot Wooden Arrows from finger tips: range of 600'. 1 to 4 arrows per action, doing 1d8 damage each.
  • Splinter Blast: Generates 3d6+10 splinters in a foot wide cone with a range of 25'. Does only 1d6 damage to bare  skin. However splinters also cause -1 to initiative, attack and parry rolls due to pain. Also penalise skills use by -10%; -30% if using affected area. Each splinter takes 1 action to remove.
  • Create Wooden Object: Can create up to 19 lbs of wood for 1 action. Remains for 1d4 minutes after being discarded. Weapons created in this manner do normal damage. Effective against vampires and some other supernatural creatures.
  • Create Wooden Armour: Can wrap herself (only) in wooden armour with an AR of 12 and 125 S.D.C.. Floats on water.
Prodigious Multiple Arms: 6 Tentacles: Each tentacle has a supernatural PS of 29 and length of up to 10 feet. Climbing with tentacles grants a Superior Climbing Skill. Each pair of tentacles used in combat grants an extra action. Each individual tentacle grants a +1 to strike, parry and entangle. Each tentacle is finger thick and appears to  be made out of segmented wood/bamboo.

Natural Skills:
Charm/Impress 98%, Superior Climbing 97%, Trust/Intimidate 50%.
Scholastic Skills:
Aerobics, Basic Maths 98%, Business & Finance 98%, Cantonese Language 98%, Cantonese Literacy 98%, Climbing 98% (Rappelling 95%), Command +70%/+105%, Computer Ops 98%, Confidence Talking 98%, Contacts 56%, Disguise 98%, English Language 98%, Fasting 98%, Gymnastics (Balance 98%, Bars & Rings 98%, Climb Rope 98%, Back Flip 98%), Mandarin Language 98%, Philosophy: Taoism (Feminist) 98%, Prowl 95%, Research 98%, Swimming 98%,
Combat Skills:
Ch'in-na (Secondary Martial Arts), W.P. Archery, W.P. Knives, W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Staff, W.P. Naginata, Wui Wing-Chun Kung Fu (Primary Martial Arts).
Martial Arts Skills: (All Atemi are derived from Ch'in-na; all Katas from Wui Wing-Chun)
Art of Disguise 98%, Blood Flow Atemi, Body Chi, Chi Mastery (Chi Awareness, Chi Combat, Chi Relaxation), Grasping Atemi, Healing Atemi, Kata of Five Principles, Neural Atemi, Martial Arts Awareness, Special Martial Arts Bonus, Windmill Kata.
Secondary Skills:
Art (Make Up) 75%, Carpentry 65%, English Literacy 70%, First Aid 75%, Juggling 75%, Marathon, Running, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Shield, W.P. Spear, W.P. Throwing.

Coma/Death: +16%
Harmful Drugs/Toxins (15+): +4
Horror Factor: +0
Insanity: +4
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +4
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +4
Psionics (15+): +3
Possession: +0

Initiative: +0; +1 Thrown, +6 within 16', +7 Thrown within 16'.
Attacks per Round: 2+1; (+3 Ch'in-na), (+5 Wui Wing-Chun); +1 per 2 tentacles.
Strike: +1; +3 Blunt (+6 Thrown), +2 Ch'in-na, +4 Knife (+9 Thrown Knife), +4 spear (+8 Thrown), +3 Staff (+6 Thrown), +2 Shield (+4 Thrown), +2 Wui Wing Chun; +1 per tentacle.
Damage: +4 (+9 Ch'in-na; +6 Wui wing Chun); +28 with tentacles.
 1 Fingertip Strike (Ch'in-na).
 1d4 Backhand (Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d4 Crush (Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d4 Forearm (Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d4 Punch (Ch'in-na & Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d6 Claw Hand (Ch'in-na).
 1d6 Knife Hand (Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d6 Palm Strike (Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d6 Tonfa
 1d8 Double Knuckle Fist (Wui Wing-Chun).
2d4 Gymnastic Kick.
 1d10 Power Punch (Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d10 Flying Jump Kick (Wui Wing-Chun).
 1d4+1d6 Elbow (Wui Wing-Chun).
 2d6 Knee (Wui Wing-Chun).
 2d6 Staff
Parry: +3; +5 Blunt, +5 Ch'in-na, +6 Knife, +6 Shield, +5 Staff, +6 Wui Wing-Chun; additional +1 per tentacle; additional +2 within 16'.
Dodge: +1; +3 Ch'in-na, +4 Wui Wing-Chun; additional +4 within 16'.
Automatic Parry: Additional +2 vs. multiple attackers only. Kata of Five Principles.
 Automatically deflects all muscle-powered ranged attacks. Windmill Kata.
Automatic Dodge: Additional +2 vs. multiple attackers only. Kata of Five Principles.
Special Attacks:
 Blood Flow Atemi: Any fingertip attack of 9< which hits does 1d8 damage (only; no damage bonus), straight to hit points. (Ch'in-na)
 Crush/Squeeze: (Ch'in-na)
 Grab/Knee: Roll to grab opponent with both hands. Upon success roll to strike with knee for double damage. (Wui Wing-Chun)
 Grasping Atemi: Any hold of joint lock attack does 2d6+3 damage. (Ch'in-na)
 Hand Hold/Strike: Two handed strike, requiring two rolls. First to grab opponent's hand and the second to strike. Does an additional +3 damage but prevents dodges and parries for rest of round. (Wui Wing-Chun)
 Neural Atemi: Successful (Ch'in-na) attack can paralyze a limb for 2d6 minutes. on the third successful paralysis attack against the same opponent they suffer full body paralysis for 2d6 minutes. Breathing and heartbeat are unaffected. (Ch'in-na)
 Parry/Strike: Once per round may parry a single opponent and then immediately attack them with zero bonuses to strike. (Wui Wing-Chun)
 Pin/Incapacitate: 18+ (Ch'in-na)
Roll with Punch: +3 (+4 with Wood Armour); +5 (+6) Ch'in-na, +7 (+8) Wui Wing-Chun.
Pull Punch: +0 (+3 with tentacles)
Disarm: +0 (+3 with tentacles)
Balance: +0; +1 Ch'in-na, +3 (Wui Wing-Chun)
Critical: 18+ Auto from behind; (Ch'in-na & Wui Wing-Chun)
KO/Stun: Nat. 20 (Ch'in-na), Nat. 19+ (Wui Wing-Chun)
Killing Blow: Nat. 20 (Ch'in-na)

Carry Capacity: 380 (5,800*) lbs; Lifting: 760 (8,700*) lbs.
Stamina: Carry Max 92 minutes, 46 minutes while running or fighting. Lifting for 23 rounds (345 seconds; 5.75 minutes)
Ground Speed: 17.5 mph for 23 minutes. (6.7 miles)
Swimming Speed: 57 yrds (171ft.) per round for 23 minutes. (2.9 miles)
Leaping Distance: 4.75ft. (58ft.*) high; 9.5ft. (174ft.*) broad from a running start. 3.85ft. (34.8ft.*) high; 5.7ft. (104.4ft.*) broad from a standing start.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Heroes Unlimited: Myriad Minutes: Ruzhu Seiyu

This little piggy had none

Ruzhu Seiyu, "Piggy" to his friends, is now a well regarded Ennor business man, husband and father. But it wasn't always like this. You see Piggy was born under a curse, as the fourth son of the Ruzhu family. His twin, Happy, is only older by a few minutes, but that made all the difference between a lifetime of joy and one of sorrow.

But he didn't let superstition define him. He worked hard to overcome the perceived disadvantages  of his birth. By the time he was a young man he had a degree in philosophy, an offer of a teaching position at the university, and had met Xun Li Zhou. She was his first true love. Beautiful, intelligent, independent. She didn't need a man. That she chose to fall in love with him too was a blessing. They were young and successful; engaged to be married. So of course that's when the curse caught up to him.

On the way home from the family teahouse they were forced into an alley at gunpoint. Robbed. But when the man tried to take the engagement ring Li Zhou snapped and lashed out. The gun went off and... Li Zhou died in that alley, cradled in arms of her beloved, surrounded by filth.

Piggy tried to get on with his life. but every sleepless night he'd find himself wandering the streets, drawn inevitably to that alley. To the place where his love died. One day he never left. He abandoned career, home, family and life. Choosing to live, instead, on the street.

He expected to waste away and join his love in death. But the curse was not done with him. Instead he grew stronger, faster, tougher. Deep within him long dormant instincts woke. He changed on the outside too, becoming slightly more porcine in appearance. He used these new found strengths to help Hong Kong's other homeless. Soon rumours of a "pigman defender" spread.

Of course many discounted the stories as urban legend. Among these was a pimp who dragged one of his girls into a certain alley to "deal with" her and leave her corpse as a warning to the rest. Only he was confronted by a wall of muscle and rage. The pimp was the second person to leave that alley on a stretcher. When he came out of his coma, three years later, he was a transformed man. But that's another story.

The girl called herself "Sandi Soy" of all things. She decided that she owed Piggy her life. He dismissed such nonsense. He had thought, on some level, she was Li Zhou; that he had a second chance to save her. Or maybe she was trying to save him.

Sandi was an exotic dancer forced into prostitution by her 'agent'. Now that he was out of the picture she went back to her dancing. And she was very, very, good at it. Within the year one of the buildings beside the alley had opened into a high-end burlesque club, "The Naked Blade", and Piggy found himself unwillingly 'employed' as the stagedoor man. Protecting Sandi and the other dancers from overly amorous clients. As Sandi put it "You're out there anyway. Might as well help out."

Then Piggy's father was murdered and the brothers were brought back together. At first they thought Mr Long was responsible, but eventually realised that it was his adopted daughter Dye-Daii who was  behind the plot. They burned down her warehouse and destroyed her drug running operation. She clawed her way out of the ashes and came at the family again, destroying the tea house, Happy's home and The Naked Blade. In the end the brothers hunt her down to the abandoned Cheung Sha Wan abattoir. Leaving her for dead.

Piggy and Sandi had married and moved together above the club but after it had been trashed they sold it to Red, Joining with Happy and his family in moving to Ennor. There they opened up a new Naked Blade club. Sandi was expecting their daughter; Yi-Jing, "Joy".

The following year Dye-Daii came back from the dead and started abducting members of the family. Lucky and Red came to Ennor from Hong Kong, attempting to rescue Red's ex-girlfriend and their daughter, Wei-Yun, from Long. Unfortunately the family was reunited only briefly when Long murdered Wei-Yun's mother in front of Hung and the girl. The grief caused the mutant powers of both to erupt dramatically. Freeing the rest of the family, they collectively battled Long and her lackys in the disused gasometer she was using as a base. The conflict drew the attention of the local Mask community; Long was captured and sent to prison for murder. Where she languishes to this day.

Happy adopted Wei-Yun.

Name: Ruzhu "Piggy" Seiyu
Super Identity: Piggy
Level: 6, Mutant
Height: 5'10", Weight: 225 lbs, Age: 42.
Alignment: Taoist.
Disposition: .
IQ 13, ME 15, MA 23, PS 68, PP 26, PE 27, PB 24, Spd 148
Hit Points 45, S.D.C. 213, P.P.E. 23, Chi 208.

Age of Awakening: 29.
Cause of Mutation: Genetic Aberration.
Mutant Characteristics: Freaky Mutations.
Skin: Leathery.
Oversized: Torso.
Body: Stocky.
Animal 2: Prey Instincts.
Hands: Ambidextrous.
Neural: Extraordinary Reflexes.
Combat: Knee & Elbow Spikes.
Misc: Modified Legs,

Animal Abilities: Hoofed; Pig.
Healing Factor.
Superhuman Strength.
Iron Will.

Natural Skills:
Charm/Impress 70%, Horror Factor 2, Trust/Intimidate 75%
Scholastic Skills:
Advanced Maths 98%, Athletics, Basic Maths 98%, Bodybuilding, Boxing, Cantonese Language 98%, Cantonese Literacy 98%, Classical Chinese Studies 98%, Climbing 98%, Computer Ops 98%, Cryptography 85%, Dieting, English Language 98%, English Literacy 90%, Fashion Tools & Weapons 80%, Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts: Tai Chi Ch'uan, History: China 98%, Intelligence 87%, Law (Chinese) 85%, Law(General) 85%, Lore: Chinese Myth: Buddhism 95%, Lore: Chinese Myth: Taoist 95%, Mandarin language 98%, Mandarin Literacy 90%, Maoism 98%, Meditation 50%, Outdoorsmanship, Philosophy 98%, Philosophy: Taoism 98%, Physical Labour, Public Speaking 85%, Research 98%, Running, Streetwise 75%, Tai Chi, Teaching 85%, Wilderness Survival 90%, Winter Survival 98%, Writing 85%.
Secondary Skills:
Basic Electronics 75%, Basic Mechanics 55%, Begging 40%, Business & Finance 60%, First Aid 70%, General Repairs & Maintenance 60%, Prowl 65%, Qi Gong, W.P. Staff, W.P. Throwing.
Martial Art 'Skills':
Chi Mastery (Chi Awareness, Chi Combat Chi Relaxation), Body Chi, Dragon Chi, Calm Minds.

Coma/Death: +64%
Harmful Drugs/Toxins (15+): +4
Horror Factor: +6
Insanity: +4
Disease: +4
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +7
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +4
Psionics (12+): +4
Possession: +8
Mind Control: +7
Illusion: +6

Initiative: +1
Attacks per Round: 2+4
Strike: +6; +1 Grab/Throw,
Damage: +53
1d4 Punch
 1d6 Backhand
 1d6 Push Hands (knockback, Chi feet)
 1d6 Palm Strike
 2d4 Martial Arts Punch
 2d4 Spiked Elbow Strike
 2d6 Spiked Knee Strike
 2d6 Snap Kick
 2d4+1d6 Kick
 1d10+1d6 Crescent kick
 3d6 Porcine Kick
Parry: +11;
Dodge: +14;
Automatic Dodge: +7
Roll with Punch: +5
Pull Punch: +0
Disarm: +0
Critical: 19+

Carry Capacity: 13,600 lbs; Lifting: 20,400 lbs
Ground Speed: 103.8 mph
Leaping Distance: 94 ft. high; 166 ft. broad from a running start. 56.8 ft. high; 111.6 ft. broad from a standing start.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Heroes Unlimited: Myriad Mutants: Ruzhu Hung

This little piggy had roast beef

Ruzhu Hung, or "Red" Ruzhu to his friends, is Mountain Man of the Ruzhu Wu Triad in Hong Kong. He is also a rebel and freedom fighter, at least to his allies; a criminal and terrorist to the Chinese authorities. Although they only know him as the Hóng Lóng; the Red Dragon of Hong Kong.

You've probably already heard the story by now. How a distant ancestor of the Ruzhu family was a mutant pig. While that's certainly true of poor cursed Seiyu; Red suspects that, looking at his own mutations, there might have been a dragon in the mix too.

As the eldest brother Red had always expected to take over the family business. Said business being organised crime. Lucky as the accountant, Happy to run the tea house, and Seiyu to... well he was unplanned. Of course nothing went to plan. Lucky was head hunted by the stock exchange. Happy got married, to a frigging cop, and became a stay-at-home dad. And Seiyu... poor tragic Seiyu.

Red had always expected to take over, but when Pei-Pei retired he put his associate Mr Long in charge. Long brought in his adopted daughter, Dye-daii; a huge Eurasian freak, scarred and mute by an animal attack as a child that had killed both her parents. Red might have felt sorry for her in any other situation. But now she stood closer to what he saw as his rightful place than he did. After Long took over Red saw a change in the Triad, a change he didn't like. Although it had never been the tightest of ships; pigs after all. Now more members were being ejected for dabbling in drugs, jobs were getting more violent and the food at the tea house had gotten worse.

Then Pei-Pei was murdered. First Red and his brothers suspected a rival tong. Then Mr Long. But eventually they discovered that it was Dye-daii who was behind it. Behind all of it. They discovered that she was running drugs through a warehouse. They tracked it down and burnt it to the ground; Dye-daii inside it.

Of course she came back and destroyed the tea house, the nightclub Piggy was living at, and Happy's home. Red was able to track her down to the derelict Cheung Sha Wan abattoir and the four brothers fought her and her minions. Red himself left her hanging with a meat hook in her back and the chain wrapped around her neck.

It took Dye-daii a few years to come back from that one. But when she did she tracked down one of Red's old girlfriends, Li Zan Hsu, and their daughter Wei-Yun; abducting them both and letting him know she had done so. Teaming up with Lucky, Red tracked her down to Ennor. She had abducted the rest of the family and was threatening to kill them if Red and Lucky didn't turn themselves over to her. Which they did. It was the first  time Red had met his daughter. Gloating, Dye-daii murdered Li Zan. The shock caused both Red and Wei-Yun to erupt. In his case he became a demonic-looking creature of lava and fire, while Wei-Yun was transformed into an ethereal winged being of cloud. Freeing the rest of the family they again fought Dye-daii and, with the assistance of local masks, she was arrested and imprisoned.

But Red was forever transformed; now a red-skinned, golden haired (and horned) person. His mutation obvious to everyone. Lucky was able to get his brother back home, but Red was no longer able to be the public face of the Triad. Instead, pulling strings behind the scenes. He became Hóng Lóng; the Red Dragon of Hong Kong. The government came for him and he resisted. Resistance spread and now he has gone from the leader of a criminal gang to the figurehead of a counter-revolution.

Name: Ruzhu "Red" Hung
Super Identity: Red Dragon (Hóng Lóng)
Level: 6, Mutant
Height: 6'5" (including horns), Weight: 180 (360*) lbs, Age: 47.
Alignment: Anarchist.
Disposition: .
IQ 12, ME 12, MA 21, PS 32 (42*), PP 24, PE 27, PB 28, Spd 30 (15*)
Hit Points 51, S.D.C. 114 (184*, 154**, 234 ***), P.P.E. 30, I.S.P. ##, Chi ##.
(*lava form, **flying, ***flying in lava form)

Age of Eruption: 41.
Cause of Mutation: Genetic Aberration.
Mutant Characteristics: Broad Mutation (2 random and 3 cosmetic)
Hands: Ambidextrous.
Animal Traits II: Predatory Instincts.
Cosmetic: Metallic red skin, golden hair and nails.
Cosmetic: Angelic Face
Cosmetic: 7" Horns.

Unstable Powers: (1 major and 2 minor) An additional Altered Physical State power activates when character is in an extreme emotional state or forced to fight on when at 0 S.D.C. and 20 or less Hit Points.
APS Lava:
  • Limited Invulnerability: Body melts most physical attacks (arrows, bullets, knives, swords and similar) within a few seconds. These attacks do zero damage. Attacker takes 3d6 damage, and 2d6 damage per round for 1d4 rounds. Takes no damage from any fire, plasma of fire based magic.
  • Superhuman Strength.
  • Flowing Body: Body can flow like lava, melting through most materials at a rate of 6" every 7 seconds. Denser materials such as stone take 1" per minute. Can control heat output so that they can handle most things other than highly flammable materials such as paper and cardboard. Worn, M.D.C. and magical items are unaffected. Body can spread out into a river 20' wide, 30' long and 3' deep. Does 1d4x10(+6d6) damage per round to everything in its path. Speedsters take 1d4x10 damage per round when moving through the area. Anything enveloped has a 75% chance to be trapped, needing 50 strength (half if superhuman or supernatural) to escape.
  • Shoot Lava Jet: 180' range, 6d6 damage. Half damage per round for 1d4 rounds. 1 action.
  • Bonuses and Limitations: +70 S.D.C. Speed is halved while transformed. Takes double damage from cold or water (and speed is halved again after attack). Takes 2d4x10 damage from immersion in water or ice. Explosions do half damage. Horror Factor 13.
Control Elemental Force: Fire:
  • Ignite: Range 30'. 1 action.
  • Extinguish: 120' radius within range of 300'. Once every 2 rounds taking 2 actions.
  • Flame Growth: 4x fire area. 120 radius within 300'. Duration of 4 minutes. 1 action.
  • Smoke Cloud: Drawing smoke from all sources within 300', fills 30' cube with impenetrable smoke, within 100; for 4 minutes. Takes 2 actions. All combat actions through smoke are -8.
  • Fire Burst: range pf 150', 4d6+12 damage. 1 action, +2 to strike.
  • Fire Wall: drawing from flame sources within 60' can create a 60' long wall of any shape, within 60'. Duration of 10 mins. 2 actions to create, but only once per round.
  • Fire Invulnerability: Invulnerable to all fire, heat, smoke, and plasma. Even magical. 
  • Temperature Sense: Know any temperature above zero within +/- d6 degrees.
Indestructible Bones: +1d6 HtH damage. Halve fall damage.
Wingless Flight: 320 mph flight. +40 S.D.C. while in flight.

Natural Skills:
Climbing 75%
Scholastic Skills:
Acrobatics (Balance 98%, Tightrope 98%, Climb Rope 98%, Back Flip 98%,), Advanced Maths 95%, Athletics, Armoury (Field) 95%, Basic Electronics 85%, Basic Maths 95%, Basic Mechanics 85%, Boxing, Business & Finance 85%, Cantonese Language 98%, Cantonese Literacy 98%, Computer Ops 95%, Detect Ambush 80%, Dieting, Disguise 85%, English language 98%, English Literacy 98%, General Repair 90%, Gymnastics (Balance 98%, Bars & Rings 98%, Climb Rope 98%, Back Flip 98%), Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts, Intelligence 82%, Law (General) 75%, Pilot Automobile 98%, Prowl 98%, Running, Sniper, Streetwise: Organised Crime 70%, Toxicology 95%, Tracking 80%, W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Automatic Rifle, W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle, W.P. Chain, W.P. Knife, W.P. Revolver, W.P. Shotgun, W.P. Sub-Machine Gun, Wrestling.
Secondary Skills:
Bodybuilding, Dancing, Musical Instrument: Saxophone, Palming, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Pilot Motorcycle, Research, Seduction, Singing.

Coma/Death: +24%
Harmful Drugs/Toxins (15+): +7
Horror Factor: +0
Insanity: +0
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +6
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +7
Psionics (15+): +0
Possession: +0

Initiative: +3
Attacks per Round: 2+5(+6 flying)
Strike: +8; +10 (flying)
Damage: +17 (+27*), +4 each additional 20mph of flying speed.
1d6 Backwards Leg Sweep 1d4+1d6 Punch 1d4+1d6 Crush
 2d4+1d6 Acrobatic/Gymnastic Kick
 2d6 Martial Arts Punch
 2d6 Snap Kick
 3d6 Axe Kick
 3d6 Karate Kick
 4d6 Roundhouse Kick
Parry: +11; (+13 flying)
Dodge: +10; (+14 flying slower than 80mph; +16 flying faster)
Automatic Dodge: NA
Roll with Punch: +10
Pull Punch: +4
Disarm: +2
Pin: 18+
Critical: 18+

Carry Capacity: 640 (8,400) lbs; Lifting: 1,280 (12,600) lbs
Stamina: Carry Max 108 (216*) minutes, 54 (108*) minutes while running or fighting. Lifting for 27 rounds (405 seconds; 6 minutes, 45 seconds)
Ground Speed: 21 mph for 27 minutes (9.45 miles)
Flying Speed: 320 mph for 27 minutes (144 miles)
Leaping Distance: 8 (42*) ft. high; 16 (84*) ft. broad from a running start. 5.8 (25.2*) ft. high; 9.6 (50.4*) ft. broad from a standing start