Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Delirium & Dementia


I wrote about Resolve and Spirit.

Delirium & Dementia.

The Delirium and Dementia table is to mental health and stress what the Death and Dismemberment table is to physical health and injury.

When a character dips (momentarily) below zero Resolve or starts taking damage to their Spirit then roll 3d6 and add the number of points that the character would have gone into negative Resolve or the amount of Spirit damage taken. Depending on how you’re doing things. Compare the result to the table below.

Delirium is a temporary effect, typically an overwhelming fear, that hinders a character’s actions until they recover. However recovery is not without risk. Once the Delirium expires the affected character Saves versus Madness. If they succeed then they gain a point of Resolve instead of losing one. If they fail then they don’t lose any more Resolve but their Delirium becomes Dementia of a similar class (Light Delirium becomes Light Dementia, &etc).

Dementia is a longer lasting effect of a varied nature. There are six expressions of dementia. Choleric, which expresses itself as violence and aggression; Katochic, which expresses itself as multiple personalities, prophetic pronouncements and similar; Melancholic, which expresses itself as depression and anxiety; Phlegmatic, which expresses itself as apathy and catatonia; Phobic, which expresses itself as irrational fear; and Sanguine which expresses itself as mania and delusion.
There are four grades, or degrees, of Dementia, each of which has their own dementia score. Each affliction of Dementia should be recorded separately. 

Next post in this series should start detailing the different types of dementia. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Resolve (and Spirit)

This is the first post in a series on the stress subsystems of what I'm still calling Project Tarragon Oubliette.
This post details the Resolve and Spirit pools, what they are (miiiind hit points!), what they do (stuff!) and how to use them.
The next post should have the Delirium and Dementia table.
That should be followed by the dementia tables in a series of posts due the graphical capacities of my laptop being weak sauce.


Resolve is a measure of a character’s mental and emotional fortitude. It is a pool of points that are depleted when a character is subject to stress or converts their resolve into wyrd or psi to fuel certain abilities, such as spell casting and psychic powers.
Resolve is calculated by rolling a number of dice equal to a character’s level. This is usually done by adding a single dice roll to the pre-existing resolve pool when a character levels up. But some players, and GMs like to re-roll the entire pool every level, or in the case of some games, more often.
The number of sides the dice has is defined by their Wisdom score, limited by their origin, and further modified by their class.
Thus a character who rolls a d6 for resolve and gains +1 from their class would roll 1d6+1 per level.
Some GMs permit a starting character maximum resolve at first level. In the example above, such a character would have 7 resolve.

Resolve is typically used to activate and boost dice rolls, specifically saving throws, but can be used to increase other dice rolls at the discretion of the GM. It is also be converted into “magic points” to activate/power any unusual abilities.

  • Saving Throws: Every time a character has to make a saving throw they lose one resolve. Irrespective what the save is against. This is to simulate how general danger and struggle can wear at someone.
    • They can increase their roll by spending a point of resolve per +1 to the roll. This can be done after the roll has been made and represents the mental effort to overcome whatever effect the save was against. This is in addition to the resolve cost above.
      • Typically resolve can only boost saves against effects that influence the mental, spiritual or psychological aspects of a character. In [Tarragon Oubliette] this means saves versus Madness, Mystery, or Misfortune. In other games it would be Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saves. Or whatever seems appropriate; Adding it to saves versus Breath Weapon would be weird, but not necessarily so against Paralysis.
      • Some GMs may insist that a character with sufficient resolve to boost a saving throw up to a success do so. This is perfectly fine in a horror setting. However I feel that should be the choice of the player, in other settings, with the repercussions of a failed saving throw being enough in themselves.. 
  • Boost Rolls: A point of resolve can be used to increase any one dice roll (GM’s discretion) by +1. As above.
  • “Magic Points”: Called Wyrd or Source in [Tarragon Oubliette], and including Psi if psychic powers are used. One point of resolve can be converted into one point of another at a rate of 1 per second/segment (adjust to your system).
    • Wyrd/Source (they’re essentially different names for the same thing; could also be called “essence”, “mana” or anything else similar) is spent to activate/fuel supernatural abilities. It can also be used to cast memorised spells. Instead of forgetting a spell when it is cast a number of points of wyrd equal to the level of the spell are spent to retain the spell. However many, if not most, characters lack inherent wyrd (naturally having zero wyrd)or have actual “wyrd debts” (negative wyrd) that must be overcome. This is where resolve comes in. Characters without wyrd based abilities/spellcasting can’t access or use them. Spent wyrd points are lost and a character’s wyrd reserves reset to their natural levels at the beginning of the game day.
    • Psi points are used to activate psychic/mystic abilities and powers. This whole thing is optional and still a work in progress. 

Resolve is also lost due to injury; when a character is injured they lose an amount of resolve equal to the wound penalty, which is related to the degree of injury. This resolve cannot be recovered until the injury is healed.
Resolve can also be lost as damage due Psychic or Spiritual attacks. Or rather and resolve loss caused from outside a character (such as the point lost from rolling a saving throw or from some other source) is classified as psychic or spiritual damage.
As an example: A spell that causes fear would, instead of just causing a fear effect, roll a number of dice the total of which would be applied as psychic/spiritual damage. Characters afflicted by the spell would lose resolve up to that amount, in much the same way they’d lose stamina/hit points from other attacks.
Resolve never drops below zero. If it would go below zero for any reason then the excess is applied as damage to Spirit (see below)and/or is added to a roll on the Delirium and Dementia table.

Spirit (Optional).

Spirit gives an upper limit to the amount of psychic and spiritual damage a character can take. Without it a character can just keep taking damage to their resolve, make low rolls on the Delirium and Dementia table below and keep on going endlessly. From certain perspectives this can be seen as a good simulation of mental health; it is certainly hard in reality to judge when someone will break mentally or emotionally. However from a gameplay perspective this removes player agency as they can’t judge their breaking point accurately.
Spirit equals the totals of character’s Intelligence and Wisdom attribute scores. Additionally, if you don’t want a static spirit score, add the resolve bonus from class per level.
Spirit has all the same functions as resolve but can’t be used to boost rolls or be converted into magic points. Instead all spiritual or psychic damage depletes spirit.
When Spirit reaches zero a character’s soul dissolves into a number of fragments equal to their maximum Spirit score and are lost, dead forever, unless the character is bound to a Spirit Womb, Familiar, Soul-Cist or similar. Their body, if it still retains Vitality, is an empty catatonic husk ripe to be taken over by any passing disembodied spirits.

Recovering Resolve and Spirit.

Resolve is recovered at 1 point per 10 minutes rest. However Stamina cannot be regained at the same time. Furthermore:

  • It can also be restored to full after a good night’s sleep (of roughly 6 to 8 hours, which don’t need to be consecutive) in a comfortable bed, or after a night sleeping rough following a day without stress (a day when no resolve is lost)
  • A night’s rough sleeping, after a day of adventuring; or a night spent carousing will restore half a character’s resolve.
  • Every time a player rolls a maxed die their character regains 1 point of resolve or spirit.
  • Whenever a character defeats a foe in battle they regain a number of points of resolve equal to that foe’s level or Hit Dice.

Spirit is recovered at one point per hour. This is irrespective of activity.
Just as resolve recovery is capped by penalties from injuries, spirit recovery is capped by penalties from dementia. As long as they are suffering from dementia a character cannot recover their full spirit.

  • For example, if a character with a maximum of 21 Spirit is suffering from dementia with a total score of 6, their Spirit would be capped at 15 until they recover.

This ‘spiritual weakness’ could, in some settings, open the character up to possession and other afflictions similar to katochic and melancholic dementia.

Next post on this topic will be on the Delirium and Dementia table.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Heads Up

I'm going to take a break from Heroes Unlimited and Phenomenal Paragons for a bit. I've got a whole bunch of character write-up to actually write up and a ideas for versus-battles but I don't have anything ready for this week and want to do some 'serious' world building and game design.

I've been asked to compile my Resolve mechanism, which is just a stress mechanic that forms part of the core of Project Tarragon Oubliette. Other subsystems, magic, psionics, superpowers and a bunch of other stuff plugs into it.

I could get a bunch of posts out of it. Or I could just put it all up on Google docs. Each would be about as easy as the other.

As for world building its fairly clear to be me that Fon Choille and related projects are on hold for now because of the desktop's death. So I need a new project to replace it. Something I actually want to finish. Something I can do on this laptop/tablet.

I'm partly inspired by the Ourbossa campaign I read about on Tumblr. (That's the final post in the series, but it links to the earlier ones; warnings for misogyny and cannibalism.) So that would be a shipwrecked island survival game. But I'd want to include some Westmarches elements.

Something to think about once I've written about Resolve.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Heroes Unlimited: Phenomenal Paragon: The Gargoyle

The parents of Murielle Devine were members of a now defunct infernalist cult. After their world-ending schemes were stopped by The August, Murielle was left to pick up the pieces of her life. She was driven into hiding from mob debt collectors. In an old cult safehouse she found a demon lord bound and imprisoned. It offered her power in exchange for its freedom and, raging against those that hounded her, she accepted. Now marked and transformed into knight of hell she seeks to turn her dark powers to defend the unjustly persecuted as The Gargoyle.

Related image

This is the thirteenth character in my Phenomenal Paragons series. The introduction to which is here. It is inspired by Jacob Pisson's World's Strongest series, here.

So I shelled out for Armageddon Unlimited book when all the Heroes Unlimited books were on sale earlier this year. It's the Heroes Unlimited sourcebook for the blood war Minion Wars. Which definitely isn't Palladium's version of D&D's Blood War. No. Certainly not. Whatever gave you that idea. Look they're totally different.

The Blood War is an eternal conflict between the Demons of the Abyss and the Devils of the Nine Hells It is an extension of the ancient conflict between Chaos and Order. The fate of the whole multiverse hangs in the balance, but both sides are so equally matched there will probably never be a resolution.

On the other hand the Minion War is a recent conflict between the Demons of Hades and the Deevils (not a typo) of Dyval. Each side seeks to destroy the other. The prize is dominion over the whole Megaverse. The conquest of any one world could tip the balance either way.

See. Totally different. Deevil is spelt with two "e"!

Since Phenomenal Paragons is its own thing, definitely not set in the Megaverse (I'm just using the system for my own amusement), and I'd never be able say the word "deevil" with a straight face, it's of limited use to me. The bits that are useful, the new superpowers and character classes are more than enough what I paid for the book. It also inspires some worldbuilding thoughts.

One of these thoughts is that while there are demons and deevils in this setting they are not as advertised; there are many different "Hells" out there in the multiverse. Some of them are a lot like the versions of Hell as depicted by various popular religions. Indeed there are caverns in the valley of Gehenna, near Jerusalem, that lead to a Hell world that was abandoned around two millennia ago. Indeed until relatively recently it was used by mutants escaping persecution. The natives of these hell worlds are typically powerful supernatural beings with moral and spiritual natures antithetical to the natives of Earth. That said, there are also worlds out there which would classify the Earth of the Phenomenal Paragons to be a hell world.

So. Anyway. The Gargoyle.

The new character classes from Armageddon Unlimited includes a bunch of mystical bestowals, including from demons and devils. Of course no hero would make a pact with an infernal sponsor for power, right? And those two classes are flagged as being only suitable for villains. Except. There's the Corrupted Hero 'class' where a good-aligned character makes a deal for power with a fiendish source out of desperation or by accident.

This is one of two ways of getting a 'good' aligned character with demonic powers. The other is the "Heroic Hellion", which is a redeemed fiend. We'll get one of those some other time.

Since this is not one of those classes that holds hands I'm going to blast through character creation.

Attributes: 11's across the board.

Alignment: 10 - Non-Conformist.

Education: 3 years of college and a trade school. They're an information broker. This gives them: Native Language, Native Literacy Basic Maths, Advanced Maths as default skills.
They get Espionage: Information Broker as their starting program. This has another Literacy, Computer Ops, Computer Programming, Cryptography, Basic Radio, Radio Scramblers, Computer Hacking, Intelligence, Research.
They also get 4 basic programs.
The first of these is Basic: Cultist which is how they encountered  demon in the first place. This gives them Lore: Demons & Monsters with +10% because of their patron, Lore: Magic, Lore: Geomancy & Ley Lines, Lore; Cults & Sects, W.P. Knife.
For the next two  I decide that they are an alumni of the Blyghton Foundation's Summer Scholarship (which I really must finish writing up) This means that the second is Basic: Adventure/Tomb Raiding. This gives them Archaeology, Climbing, Horsemanship, a +10% to Research, and Wilderness Survival.
 The third is Basic: Explorer. This grants a +10% bonus to Climbing, the Dowsing skill, Land Navigation, Mountaineering (+1 PS, +1 PE, +10 SDC, +10% all climbing skills),  Prospecting, Spelunking, Swimming, and a +10% to Wilderness Survival.
The fourth and final basic program is Basic: Professional Athlete. This gives them Athletics (+1 parry/dodge, +1 roll with impact, +1 PS, +3 Spd, +5 SDC), Dieting (+2 HP, +1 PE, +1 PB), Running (+1 PE, +10 Spd, +3 SDC), Acrobatics (2d4 acrobatic kick, +2 roll with impact, +1 PS, +1 PP, +1 PE, +3 SDC), Boxing (+1 attack, +2 parry/dodge, +2 PS, +1 roll with impact, +10 SDC), Wrestling (pin on 18+, 1d4 crush, +1 roll with impact, +2 PS, +1 PE, +14 SDC).
Finally there's 12 secondary skills. The first 3 I spend of Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts, they I choose Pilot Automobile, Pilot Motorcycle, W.P. Archery, First Aid, Lore: Conspiracy, Play Musical Instrument: Guitar, Cooking, Bodybuilding (+2 PS, +10 SDC), and Streetwise.

Reason for Pact: Anger.
They were angry enough at something in the world that making a pact with an infernal entity seemed like a reasonable decision. Although it doesn't say so in the rules I've decided that that anger is inherently tied to their powers. Not in a Hulk-like they get angry and lose control of their powers. No quite the opposite. Whenever they use their powers the experience that original wrath all over again. This means that they're liable to lash out with their powers and, to some school of thought, means that any use of their powers in inherently sinful.

Empowered By: Demon Lord.
Their powers came from a demon. This gives them a Horror factor of 12, +1 save versus possession, +4 save versus Horror, +1 initiative, +1 strike, +1 parry, and +1 dodge. They have +3 MA (with a minimum of 16), +9 PS (with a minimum of 22), +3 PP (with a minimum of 18), +7 Spd, +20 Hit Points and +55 SDC when transformed into their demonic form.
They are vulnerable to holy and silver weapons, which cause double damage, as well as demon slaying weapons. They have an obvious demon mark somewhere on their body (a brand-like scar on their left breast) and the demon that empowered them knows their true name.
They have the rank of Demonic Knight (actually "task master" but that's a bit bleh) which grants them command over sub and lesser demons. At 6th level they are promoted to Demonic General (actually "master" but, y'know) and assigned a cadre of 1d4 lesser and 1 greater demon.

They get 2 demonic abilities. I roll:
Fire Resistance: Half damage from all fire.
Demonic Physique: +3 PS, +1 PP, +1 PE, +30 SDC, +2' height and +100 lbs. weight.

Our Superpower is Brute Strength.
This gives us +20 Hit Points and +30 SDC.
It also gives us Supernatural Strength (+37 PS; carry x300 lbs, lift 500 lbs, fatigue at 1/10th normal rate, +2 pull punch) and two other Major powers associated with physical strength and power.
For my first I pick Mega Wings. This is winged flight, only MEGA.  They grant winged flight at 360 mph with an additional 40 mph per level. They have a maximum altitude of 30,000 ft. They also grant +2 PB, +1 attack, +2 initiative, +2 parry with the wings, +2 dodge in flight below 90 mph and +6 dodge at faster speeds; they get +4 damage for every 20 mph of flight. The wings have AR 16 and 330 SDC each. The wings recover 1d6x10 SDC per hour. when harmed The character can hold their breath for 8 minutes, are unaffected by altitude and can accelerate to top speed with 1 action. They cam form  a wing cocoon around themselves or someone adjacent, granting them an AR of 17. Any attacks made with a wing do +1d6 damage and have a range of 8'.
For the second I consider APS: Stone but that would just negate all the sweet bonus SDC we've been getting. So instead I pick Massive Damage Capacity. This gives an AR 9, which will improve as we level. We also get +70 HP (+10/level) and +300 SDC (+100/level). we regen 1 point of damage every 2 minutes (30 per hour), fatigue at 1/3rd normal, get +2 PE and +10% save versus Coma/Death.

Okay. So let's put this all together.

Name: Murielle Roshanak Devine
Identity: The Gargoyle
Team: The Furies
Level: 1, Mystical Bestowal: Demonic (Corrupted Good)
Height: 6'5" (8'5"), Weight: 275 lbs (375 lbs), Age: 21
Alignment: Non-Conformist
Disposition: Hot headed and angry. Quick tempered and emotional but fundamentally a nice person.
IQ 11, ME 11, MA 11(16), PS 20(69), PP 12(19), PE 16(19), PB 12(14), Spd 24(31)
Hit Points: 21 (134), S.D.C.: 85 (500; 330 wings), P.P.E.: 20

Demonic Attributes:
Demonic Form: Transforms into demonic form to use powers. All attribute scores in parenthesis are for demonic form. Demonic Form has Horror factor of 12.
Vulnerabilities: 2x damage from holy and silver weapons. Vulnerable to demon slaying weapons.
Obvious Demon Mark: Rune-like branding scar on left bosom, over heart. Recognisable as such on a successful roll against Lore: Demons & Monsters. Further demon lord patron knows character's true name.
Demonic Knight: Can command demons of sub and lesser types.
Demonic Physique: Demonic form is 2' taller and 100 lbs heavier.
Fire Resistance: Half damage from  all forms of fire, heat and flame.
Brute Strength. Demonic form's super powers are strength themed.

Supernatural Strength.
Mega Wings. AR 16/17 wings
Massive Damage Capacity. AR 9 body

Natural Skills:
Trust/Intimidate 40% (demonic form only)
Scholastic Skills:
Acrobatics (), Advanced Maths, Archaeology, Athletics, Basic Maths, Basic Radio, Boxing, Climbing (Rappelling), Coding Literacy, Computer Hacking, Computer Ops, Computer Programming, Cryptography, Dieting, Dowsing, English Language, English Literacy, Horsemanship, Intelligence, Land Navigation, Lore: cults & Sects, Lore: Demons & Monsters, Lore; Geomancy & Ley Lines, Lore; Magic, Mountaineering, Prospecting, Radio Scramblers, Research, Running, Spelunking, Swimming, Wilderness Survival, W.P. Knife, Wrestling.
Secondary Skills:
Bodybuilding, Cooking, First Aid, Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts, Lore: Conspiracy, Pilot Automobile, Pilot Motorcycle, Play Musical Instrument: Guitar, Streetwise, W.P. Archery.

Coma/Death: +4% (+18%)
Harmful Drugs/Toxins: +1 (+2)
Horror Factor: +4
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +1 (+2)
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +1 (+2)
Psionics (15+): +0
Possession: +1

Attacks: 2+3 (+4 demonic form)
Initiative: +2 (+3 demonic form; +5 flying)
Strike: +0 (+3 demonic form)
Damage: +5 (+54 demonic form; +1d6 wing strike)
 1d4+5 Punch
 2d4+5 Acrobatic Kick
 (5d6+54 Restrained Strike)
 (2d4x10+54 Strike)
 (3d6x10+54 Power Strike [2atk])
Dodge: +3 (+6 demonic form; +10 flying below 90 mph; +12 flying faster than 90 mph)
Parry: +3 (+6 demonic form; +8 with wings)
Pull Punch: +4 (+6 demonic form)
Roll with Impact: +8

Carry Capacity: 400 lbs. (20,700 lbs.); Lifting: 800 lbs. (34,500 lbs)
Stamina: Carry for 64 minutes. Carry maximum for 32 minutes. Lift for 16 rounds.
     (Carry for 2,280 minutes; 38 hours (1 day and 14 hours). Carry maximum for 1,140 minutes; 19 hours. Lift for 570 rounds; 8,550 seconds; 142.5 minutes (2 hours, 22 minutes and 30 seconds.)
Ground Speed: 16.8 mph for 16 minutes. (21.7 mph for 570 minutes; 9.5 hours).
(Air Speed: 400 mph for 570 minutes; 9.5 hours)
Swimming Speed: 60 yards (180 ft.) per round for 16 minutes. (207 yards (621 ft.) per round for 570 minutes (9.5 hours).)
Leaping Distance: 5 ft. high and 10 ft. broad from a running start. 3 ft. high and 6 ft. broad from a standing start. (276 ft. high and 414 ft. broad from a running start. 165.6 ft. high and 248.4 ft. broad from a standing start.)

Murielle Devine thought that having parents with secret religions was normal. She spent most of her early years at one boarding school or another. The time she did spend with her parents was usually for some dark ritual or another. She was ten when their final ritual was stopped dead by The August raiding their temple at The Sanctum Hotel. Murielle never saw her parents again. She did not have a happy childhood, her education provided by her missing parents wealth.

The best time she did have was on the four, yes four, summer scholarships with the Blyghton Foundation. She was among the group that found The Wreck of The Content, filled with golden treasure, and entombed in the dunes of Arizona. She found the secret door during The Mystery Of The Thirteenth Attic, helped expose Ridgestar Lab's crimes, and dig out Valentina Graves from a landslide, during The Case Of The Forbidden Spire, and was even able to use the occult lore she'd learned from her parents to resolve the puzzle central to The Secret At Dannity Island. On these adventures she made friends that persist to this day such a the journalist Dahlia Drake.

When she turned 18 everything went to shit. She came into her inheritance and the Strickland mob came looking for money they claimed her parents owed them. After they were done with her all she had left of her fortune was a small former cult safehouse out in the Guardian City suburbs. So of course she found a demon lord bound in the safe room.

It promised her power, it promised her wealth, it promised her vengeance. In return for its freedom. She was angry at the great injustice she'd suffered and more so with having this monster in her home. So she agreed. She'd release it in exchange for a portion of its power. It would never further interfere with her and she in turn would never interfere with it.

Not long after the Blyghton Foundation sent her a check for her share of The Content treasure. Able to afford university after all she studied information technology for three years before deciding to use her talents to become a freelance information broker.

Every now and then she'll uncover some evil deed that has gone unpunished, or someone unjustly persecuted, and she'll let her darker side out to prowl the night.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Phenomenal Paragons: Super Teams of Note: The August

I thought I'd share some of the super teams from the Phenomenal Paragons setting. Starting at the top.

The August.

Every world seems to have an analog of the "Big Three" and/or "Big Seven". This one is no different. Although it was the Big Eight. All of them powerful and experienced mega-heroes. 

The August (as in "distinguished" and "Exalted") was formed by August (as in the month) at the behest of The Magpie. The Magpie is a, supposedly, centuries old thief and assassin. The leader of an ancient society of killers that supposedly inspired Hasan ibn al-Sabbah to form his little merry band of murders; from whom we get the word "assassin". Nobody outside his society, the League of Shadows, had supposedly ever seen The Magpie and lived. They were a rumour, an urban legend, a shadow in the darkness. A mystery, wrapped in an enigma, sealed inside a puzzle box made of more complicated puzzle boxes, hidden within a secret room in the deepest darkest depths of a dimension composed entirely of riddles.

Then they pulled a bank job. Or rather they walked into a bank shrouded in a cloak of darkness, identified themselves, told everyone to lie and the floor and keep calm so they wouldn't get hurt, and then waited. The police turned up and were sent packing. The local heroes turned up and were also sent home, bloodied and bruised. But not seriously injured. just put beyond the ability to fight on. At no point did The Magpie resort to lethal force. Even when it was used against them. At every step they demanded that August be sent against them and eventually he arrived. As the most powerful being in the world walked in the front door the world's greatest assassin let their hostages escape out the fire exits. Had this all been a ruse? A plot to assassinate the world's greatest hero? For five minutes silence reigned then August left, The Magpie his prisoner. August paused long enough to explain that The Magpie had surrendered and then the two of them departed together. 

Over the next three days there were glimpsed sightings of them around the world, battling shadowy foes. And every time they'd have a new recruit. From Paris, France, they recruited the sorcerer "Quintessence". From Greece the archaeologist Artemis Argyris. From Tel Aviv the mutant known as "The Everyman". In south east asia they found Kim-Hữu Long, The Immortal Dragon. From Australia the aboriginal mentalist known only as "The Dreamer". Finally, from Area 51 in Arizona, they rescued Cosmonaut Spartak Sobol; the enigmatic Black Knight.  Soon they were eight strong, each member one of the most powerful superhumans on (or off) the planet. Then nothing. For two days they were completely incommunicado.

Then the League of Shadows attacked Rome.

A fell device appeared in St. Marks Square and shadow clad killers stalked the streets. Locals were taken prisoner and dragged to the park to await their fate. Local heroes were less powerless than simply overwhelmed. There was no hope in sight. Had this been The Magpie's plan? To remove the only people that could stop this dark deed?

As it turned out, quite the opposite. Because suddenly, when the first knife was set to fall, they were there. The eight appeared literally from thin air and set to work defeating the League of Shadows. After a battle of hours all the assassins were captured or killed, The Magpie able to take their mastery of shadows from them, and their hostages freed.

It was revealed that one of The Magpie's lieutenants had gone rogue with an insane scheme to murder 80% of the world's population with a magical ritual.  The Magpie had attempted to prevent it but with only a handful of assassins still loyal to them, and those in hiding from their former associates, they had no other choice but to enact a ridiculous scheme to recruit the most powerful beings on the planet.

No charges were pressed against them; the damage to the bank was caused by the authorities and heroes. The Magpie hadn't actually held people as hostages; they'd just presumed that was what was happening and played along.

However to get August's help they'd agreed to suffer whatever punishment the hero felt fit. So August sentenced them to a lifetime of... community service at August's side. They accepted their punishment with what might have been a smile. August then extended an invitation to the others, suggesting that they join them to battle threats to the world. They agreed and The Everyman suggested The August as their collective name.

For years they fought side by side, global champions. Then three years ago August died. Not in battle but in their sleep. Slain by a villain that had learned the greatest hero's weakness; that when he slept he was powerless.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending upon your point of view, the villain did not live long enough to make good on whatever scheme had inspired the murder. August's wife woke and slew the killer within moments; their reflexes and anguish betraying their better judgement. Because over the years the years the friendship  between August and The Magpie had blossomed into love. They had secretly married under their civilian identities about a decade after meeting.

After August's death The Magpie chose to retire, leaving The August with a roster of only six active members. They've been seeking replacements ever since but their two founders are hard to replace.

Team Roster:

  • August (Deceased)
  • The Magpie (Retired)
  • Quintessence 
  • Artemis Argyris 
  • The Everyman
  • Kim-Hữu Long
  • The Dreamer
  • Black Knight
All be writing them all up for Heroes Unlimited and posting them here as and when.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Heroes Unlimited: Myriad Mutants: Ruzhu Zing "Lucky"

I've created a whole bunch of mutant characters as part of my Phenomenal Paragons project. Some might say I even have a plethora of phenomenal paragon mutants. But not I.

These are broadly split into two groups: The Aberrations, my X-Men/Morlocks analog, and the Ruzhu family, who are more like the Fantastic Four, if they were Chinese and numbered more than four. The Aberrations were all built as NPCs and Minor Heroes. The Ruzhu Wu were generated as PCs and based on pregenerated characters from a Feng-Shui campaign I ran years ago; The Little Pigs. I posted the trailer script for the first part on Sunday.

So now that I've shared my main mutant paragon I'm going to share the rest of my mutants here.

This little pig went to market.

Ruzhu Zing, or "Lucky" Ruzhu to his friends, is a successful, wealthy, trader at the Hong Kong stock exchange. He is honest, respected and so deep into organised crime its obscene. His elder brother, Hung, is Mountain Man of the Ruzhu Wu triad and neither brother is beyond calling on the other for leverage, impact or aid.

There is also something squirrely, or rather piggy, in the Ruzhu family tree; Zing's niece, Wei Lu, has discovered that a distant ancestor was a mutant pig. Nobody is entirely sure how that works but the evidence is in the DNA. It certainly explains the youngest Ruzhu brother, Seiyu, who seems to have reverted to a more porcine nature after his years living on the streets.

Zing has always had a mind for numbers. He jokes that they are his friends and do as he asks. When he discovered his son's genius Zing's late father, Peipei, sent him to the best schools in Hong Kong and eventually to Oxford to read Mathematics and Economics.

It was while in England that his mutant abilities first appeared. Feeling homesick he visits Chinatown in London for a bowl and two. Eventually, drunk, he staggers down to the Thames and falls in from Waterloo bridge. The shock sobers him up immediately and he discovers he can breathe underwater. He's pulled from the water by Thames River Police. Later practice reveals that he can also direct the flow of water from any source. However he keeps the discovery secret, rationalising that will distract him from his studies.

Upon his return to Hong Kong he was head hunted by the stock exchange and happily took the job they offered him.

When poor cursed Seiyu's tragedy struck him, Zing would often send juniors down to the street to find him and make donations as Seiyu always declined the direct assistance of his family.

After Peipei's murder, the four brothers were brought together to protect their family and find the killer. Eventually identifying it as a traitor within the triad, Long Dye-Daai, a Eurasian mutant with wolf genes. The brothers destroyed her drug running operation, burning down the warehouse with her in it. However she survived, sending allies to attack the brothers where they felt safest. The triad's Greedy Pig teahouse was destroyed along with one of the home of one of the brothers, Hoisum. She also almost killed Seiyu's new partner, the burlesque dancer Sandi Soy. However the brothers again fought her off and believed her killed during a battle within the derelict Cheung Sha Wan abattoir.

Afterwards the twins, Hoisum and Seiyu, took their wives and children out of Hong Kong to Ennor, where their mother, and little sister Wei-Wei, ran their own restaurant, the Happy Pig. Hoisum took over running the restaurant, letting his mother retire and Wei-Wei focus on running her talent agency. Sandi opened a new nightclub, a re-imagined version of The Naked Blade club that she had run back in Hong Kong.

Meanwhile back in Hong Kong, Hung discovered that he was a father when Long Dye-Daai returned once more. Long had abducted one of his ex-girlfriends along with her child, Hung's secret daughter Ruzhu Wei-Yun. Hung and Zing gave chase, following a "breadcrumb" trail around the globe which eventually led them to grandma's house Ennor.

There Long had kidnapped the rest of the family, planning to wipe them all out in a single strike. Her first act of which was to murder Wei-Yun's mother. This caused Wei Yun's and Hung's mutant powers to erupt, literally in Hung's case, freeing the rest of the family and alerting some of Guardian City's Masks to the situation. Against this combined might Long and her forces were overwhelmed. Long snapped and began ranting about how her allies in "The Lodge" would avenge her. However in the 6 years since her arrest she has languished in Her Majesty's Prison: Bishop's Rock with no sign of rescue and no apparent vengeance enacted against any of the Ruzhu family.

Zing returned to his job in Hong Kong. He lives with his partner of nine years, Guan Jingyi-Fen. They have a pitbull called "Brad". Zing visits his family in Ennor once a year. For about a week. Usually during the spring.

Name: Ruzhu "Lucky" Zing.
"Team": The Ruzhu Wu.
Level: 5, Mutant
Height: 5'10", Weight: lbs, Age: 45
Alignment: Aberrant
Disposition: Schemer and risk-taker; gambles with the odds and infuriatingly pulls through.
IQ 27, ME* 16, MA 13, PS* 20 (26 in water), PP* 13, PE* 15, PB 23, Spd* 30
Hit Points*: 38, S.D.C.*: 130 (230 in water), P.P.E.: 21
*varies by lunar cycle; see below.

Age at Eruption: 20
Cause of Mutation: Genetic Aberration
Mutant Characteristics: Broad Mutation (2 random and 1 cosmetic)
Neural: Strong Psychic Potential.
Neural: Extraordinary Intelligence. +1 perception, +5% all non-physical skills.
Feet: Webbed Toes. Double swimming speed; +15% all swimming skills.

Superpowers: Unstable Powers: Powers grow with age (further powers at levels 6, 10 & 15). 1 major power, 2 minor powers and 1 additional minor power.
Underwater Abilities: Breathe underwater, natural swimming skill, depth tolerance of 1.5 miles. Strength underwater is Extraordinary (+6 PS, carry x100, lift x200). Swimming speed x5 underwater.
Control Elemental Force: Water:

  • Calm Water: 300' radius within 1000' range, 12 minutes duration. 1 full round (all attacks) to initiate.
  • Create Waves: 300' radius within 1000' range, 2 attacks each.
    Small Waves: 2-8' high; Large Waves: 10-20' high; Huge Waves: 24-36' high, 84% chance to capsize small vessels, 60% chance to capsize medium vessels and 20% chance to capsize ships.
  • Water Slam: 190' range, duration 7 seconds (1/2 round), 2 attacks each. Victims lose 1 attack and the initiative.
  • Water Spout: up to 60' high, 3000 lbs lift, 150' range, 1 round duration, 1 attack to initiate. Those aloft at -8 to all combat rolls, or -2 if snow.
  • Wall of Water: 6' thick, 30' tall, and 30' wide. 25 minutes duration. -8 to strike through. Missile weapons lose 25% of their damage and range, lasers lose 50%, fire loses 75%. Takes 2 attacks to push through, except with superhuman or supernatural strength, when it takes only one. Those moving through at speeds of 50 mph or higher spend 2 attacks and take 1d6 damage for each 50 mph of speed.
  • Whirlpool: Range of 400', duration of 8 minutes. Full round action to form. 4d6 damage to everything in the water within 30', and -4 to all combat rolls.
  • Airbubble: 8' radius, 190' range, 40 minutes duration, 50 SDC. Each bubble takes 3 attacks to form.
  • Walk on Water: 4' radius, 50 minutes duration, 1 attack per round, half speed.
  • Sense depth to within 1d6 feet, sense direction underwater, resist cold. +1000' depth tolerance, Can hold breath for 1d4+4 mins.
Lunar Strength: Strength grows and ebbs with the cycles of the moon. Always knows the lunar phase, recognises "creatures of the night" on sight, cannot become undead or were-creature, +5% bonus to astronomy.
  • Full Moon: ME 26, MA 24, PS 40 (52 in water), Spd 45, SDC 190 (290 in water)
  • 3/4 Moon: PS 30 (39 in water), Spd 45, SDC 160 (260 in water)
  • 1/2 Moon: PS 25 (34 in water), Spd 37, SDC 145 (245 in water)
  • Sliver Moon: PS 15 (24 in water), Spd 22, SDC 97 (172 in water). -1 attack per round, -2 initiative, -1 to all combat rolls and saves.
  • New Moon: PS 10, PP 7, PE 7, Spd 15, Hit Points 31, SDC 65. -2 attacks per round, automatically loses initiative, combat and save bonuses are halved. No extraordinary strength or durability in water.
Bend Light: 
  • Can concentrate and separate ambient light to produce lights of any colour to illuminate a 100 square foot area with sufficient light to ready by.
  • Bed light around a 100 square foot area to make its contents invisible. Only those on initiative 18+ can spot the blank spot/ ripple  in the air.
  • Can parry light and lasers, creating an up  to 10' diameter 'shield' anywhere within 100'. Parried light can be sent against opponents, but without any strike bonues.
  • Displace their apparent positon so that anyone more than 10' way is at -3 to strike.
  • Can see into the infrared and ultraviolet ranges out to 500'. 
Natural Skills:
Charm/Impress 65%, Trust/Intimidate 80% (full moon only).
Scholastic Skills: +30%+13%
Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Highwire 98%, Climb Rope 98%, Back-Flip 98%), Advanced Maths 98%, Armourer (Field) 98%, Athletics, Basic Maths 98%, Basic Radio 98%, Boxing, Business & Finances 98%, Cantonese Language 98%, Cantonese Literacy 98%, Card Sharp 87%, Computer Hacking 98%, Computer Ops 98%, Computer Programming 98%, Concealment 83%, Cryptography 93%, Dieting, English Language 98%, English Literacy 98%, Find Illegal Weapons 89%, Gambling 98%, Gambling (Dirty Tricks) 98%, Intelligence 95%, Law (Business) 93%, Palming 88%, Pool Shark 98%, Radio Scrambler 98%, Recognise Weapons Quality 93%, Research 98%, Running, Streetwise (Con Games) 83%, Swimming 98%, W.P. Auto Rifle, W.P. Pistol, W.P. SMG, Wrestling, Writing 93%.
Secondary Skills: 
Astronomy 68%, Body-Building, Climb 88%, Cooking 53%, First Aid 83%, Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts, Pilot Automobile 83%, Pilot Motor Boat 93%, Prowl 68%, W.P. Paired Pistols, W.P. Shotgun.

Coma/Death: +0%
Harmful Drugs/Toxins: +0
Horror Factor: +0
Insanity: +1 (+9 Full Moon)
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +0
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +0
Psionics (15+): +3 (+8 Full Moon)
Possession: +2

Initiative: +2
Attacks per Round: 2+3+1
Strike: +2
Damage: +5 (+25, full moon, +37 full moon in water; +15 3/4 moon, +24 3/4 moon in water; +10 1/2 moon, +19 1/2 moon in water; +0 1/4 or new moon, +9 sliver moon in water)
 1d4 Punch
 1d4 per 12' fall into water
 1d6 per 12' fall onto land
 1d6 Snap Kick
 1d6 Small Wave
 2d4 Acrobatic/Kung-Fu Kick
 2d4+2 Crescent Kick
 2d6 Axe Kick
 2d6+5 Water Slam
 3d6 Roundhouse Kick
 4d6 Flying Jump Kick
 5d6 Large Wave
 6d6 Jump Kick
 10d6 Huge Wave
Dodge: +3
Parry: +3
Roll with Impact: +3
Pull Punch: +3
Disarm: +2

Carry Capacity: 400 lbs (2,600 lbs in water); Lifting: 800 lbs (5,200 lbs in water).
Carry Capacity (Full Moon): 800 lbs (5,200 lbs in water); Lifting: 1,600 lbs (10,400 lbs in water).
Carry Capacity (3/4 Moon): 600 lbs (3,900 lbs in water); Lifting: 1,200 lbs (7,800 lbs in water).
Carry Capacity (1/2 Moon): 500 lbs (3,400 lbs in water); Lifting: 1,000 lbs (6,800 lbs in water).
Carry Capacity (1/4 Moon): 150 lbs (2,400 lbs in water); Lifting: 300  lbs (4,800 lbs in water).
Carry Capacity (New Moon): 100 lbs; Lifting: 200 lbs.
Stamina: Carry Max 60 minutes, 30 minutes while running or fighting. Lifting for 15 rounds (225 seconds; 3,75 minutes).
Ground Speed: 21 mph for 15 minutes (5.25 miles).
Ground Speed (Full & 3/4 Moon): 31.5 mph for 15 minutes (7.88 miles).
Ground Speed (1/2 Moon): 25.9 mph for 15 minutes (6.48 miles).
Ground Speed (3/4 Moon): 15.4 mph for 15 minutes (3.85 miles).
Ground  Speed (New Moon): 10.5 mph for 15 minutes (2.63 miles).
Swimming Speed: 780 yards per round (2,340 ft) for 15 minutes (26.59 miles).
Swimming Speed (Full Moon): 1,560 yards per round (4,680 ft) for 15 minutes (53.2 miles).
Swimming Speed (3/4 Moon): 1,170 yards per round (3,510 ft) for 15 minutes (40 miles).
Swimming Speed (1/2 Moon): 1,110 yards per round (3,330 ft) for 15 minutes (37.84 miles).
Swimming Speed (3/4 Moon): 720 yards per round (2,160 ft) for 15 minutes (24.55 miles).
Swimming Speed (New Moon): 300 yards per round (900 ft) for 15 minutes (1 mile).
Leaping Distance: 5 ft. high and 10 ft broad with a running start, 6 ft. high and 3 ft. broad from a standing start. 13 ft. high and 26 ft. broad from water with a swimming start, 7.8 ft. high and 15.6 ft. broad from a floating start.
Leaping Distance (Full Moon): 10 ft. high and 20 ft. broad from a running start, 6 ft. high and 12 ft. broad from a standing start. 26 ft. high and 52 ft. broad from a swimming start, 15.6 ft. high and 31.2 broad from a floating start.
Leaping Distance (3/4 Moon): 7.5 ft. high and 15 ft. broad from a running start, 4.5 ft. high and 9 ft broad from a standing start. 19.5 ft. high and 39 ft. broad from a swimming start, 11.7 ft. high and 23.4 ft. broad from a floating start.
Leaping Distance (1/2 Moon): 6.25 ft. high and 12.5 ft. broad from a running start, 3.75 ft high and 7.5 ft. broad from a standing start. 17 ft. high and 34 ft. broad from a swimming start and 10.2 ft. high and 20.4 ft. broad from a floating start.
Leaping Distance (1/4 Moon): 3.75 ft. high and 7.5 ft. broad from a running start, 2.25 ft. high and 4.5 ft. broad from a standing start. 12 ft high and 24 ft. broad from a swimming start, 7.2 ft. high and 14.4 ft. broad from a floating start.
Leaping Distances (New Moon): 2.5 ft. high and 5 ft. brod from a running start, 1.5 ft. high and 3 ft. broad from a standing start.

Monday, 15 July 2019

Little Pigs (trailer)

This Trailer is Rated 12 for a 15 feature.

Magical Space Dragon Nyanby Studios presents, a Niles Calder scenario...



"This little pig went to market."

A man in a business suit walks confidently through the Hong Kong financial district.



"This little pig stayed at home."

Another man, obviously the sibling of the first, cooks in a nicely appointed kitchen while his wife plays with their two children.



"This little pig had roast beef"

A third brother sits in a triad owned teahouse filling his face as his criminal associates feast.



"While this little pig had none"

A fourth brother is dressed in rags and picks his way through a refuse filled alley.



"And this little pig had an unfortunate accident courtesy of Mr Wolf"

An older man, beaten, bruised and evidently the father of the brothers, struggles against his bonds and stares in horror as fire spreads throughout his home.


A half naked attractive woman dances on stage, wielding a Japanese Daisho, and cuts the clothes from her fellow exotic dancers with great precision.


The second brother's children rush down a narrow street on skate boards as a big black car closely pursues them, its number plate reads W0LF1.


A huge Eurasian woman, wearing a biker's leather jacket, a thick leather collar barely covering her scarred neck, looms out of the darkness.


The second brother's wife kicks open a door, gun in hand, and flashes the badge of a Hong Kong Police Detective.



"Little Pigs"

The four brothers, armed to the teeth, confidently stride through the flames of a burning warehouse.


"Be careful bringing home the bacon."


Coming: Never. Because I'm never going to get these notes sorted into a coherent whole.

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Heroes Unlimited: Phenomenal Paragons: Perfidious Rex

The First Son of Argon came to Earth to conquer it and prove his right to the imperial throne of Argon. Unfortunately his information was two millennia out of date and instead of a primitive world under the rule of the Roman Empire he found a technologically advanced one. He challenged the person he believed to be the planet's monarch, the superhuman "August", and was immediately defeated. Now, years later and with August dead by another's hand, he has returned. His goal: conquest in the name of Perfidious Rex!
Image result for sword alien gif
The fight went something like this.

This is the twelfth character in my Phenomenal Paragons series. The introduction to which is here. It is inspired by Jacob Pisson's World's Strongest series, here.

Okay this is our first, and hopefully only, alien. I don't want lots of aliens in my setting as I want to keep the focus on Earth. I have ideas for other planets and planes but I'm not ready to develop them yet. The character originates from playing City of Villains many years ago. The concept was "Anti-Superman", hence "First son of Argon" as opposed to "Last son of Krypton". Daughter didn't have the same beat and aliens; maybe they don't gender like we do.

Step 1: The Usual.

Elevens across the board. There's a note that future steps will change attributes and that all bonuses stack.

Step 2: Alien Appearance.

Now we get to a bunch of tables and sub-tables to roll on. Joy. I'm using the tables from the main rules as I've yet to find better. 

I roll a Humanoid.
I'm told to make some rolls on the mutant table. I use the improved ones I found online. I get Strong Psychic Potential (+2 ME, +20 ISP, +2 save versus Psi, Mind Control and Possession), and Forearm Blades (optional +2 die damage to any punch attacks, +10 SDC, and +1 Horror Factor when popped) which are sword like blades that are roughly the length of the character's forearm and pop out when  needed. I envision them folding out of their outside arm and extending from their wrists. I can't yet decide if they just fold out at ninety degree angles from just above the wrist or are jointed like an insect's limbs and extend forward like actual swords.
We also get a couple of rolls on cosmetic differences.We get pointed ears and purple skin.

Step 3: Physiological Changes due to Unearthly Environments.

Now we get to find out what sort of planet Argon is. I roll a Vegetation World. This is a fertile planet overgrown with plant life. Think Endor or Kashyyyk from Star Wars. A sub-table gives us no fear of heights, a +10% bonus to Acrobatics and climb as well as +2 to roll with impact.
We are 7 foot tall, 170 lbs.
All natives to vegetation worlds are natural acrobats, with a further +10% bonus. This gives us a further +2 to roll with impact. We also get the +1 to PS, PP and PE, as well as +3 SDC and a 2d4 acrobatic kick attack. We also get +10 SDC from being from a vegetation world.

Step 4: Determining Super Abilities.

Now we get to discover what sort of superpowers we get. we have multiple options, many of which just direct us to other classes. The only one unique to the alien class is racial superpowers. Which is what I should have selected. But I rolled and got Psionics.
I did this gag before too.
So I create another Natural Psionicist.

Yeah I know. Thankfully this one isn't a megahero. I checked.

So we get +5 ME, +2 MA, +70 ISP, and our save versus Psionics is 10+.
We get to pick 10 minor psionic powers and 3 super psionic powers. 

Starting with the latter first I go for Telekinesis (super), Bio-Regeneration, Mind Block Auto Defense (which permanently reduces our ISP by 14 points).

For the lesser powers I pick Levitation, Resist FatigueSense Magic, Telepathy, Intuitive Combat Astral Projection, Ectoplasm, Telekinetic Leap, Telekinetic Punch, and Telekinetic Push

Step 5: Determine Education and Skills.

Presented with another chart, aliens having different standards of education than humans, I'm told that there are more options in a book I don't own and have no intention of buying yet. Borrowing a copy I learn that it doesn't have much in the way of options; just a few new skills and packages that use them. I hard pass for now.

Back at the main rules I pick Combat Specialist. This gives us 4 physical skills, a hand-to-hand style, 6 weapon proficiencies, a piloting skill, and First Aid. All at +10%. We also get 6 secondary skills.

For our physical skills I pick Boxing (+1 attack per round, +2 parry and dodge, +1 roll with impact, +1 PE,+2 PS and +10 SDC), Wrestling (+1 roll with impact, +2 PS, +1 PE, +14 SDC and some other stuff I'll record elsewhere), Gymnastics (+2 roll with impact, +2 PS, +1 PP, +2 PE and +7 SDC), and Juggling (+1 initiative, +1 strike with thrown, +1 parry and thrown weapon rate of fire 4 per round).

For our hand-to-hand style I invent Argonian Sword Style (+10 SDC, +2 ME, +2 PP, +1 PE, +2 strike, +1 dodge, +1 roll with impact and a critical strike from behind), which is just Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu ("Samurai" style) from Ninja's and Superspies, but with the alignment requirements reversed and the martial arts powers removed. Well okay I give them the Warrior Spirit Kata, which is where a samurai stares at his opponent for a bit and then they strike. The other guy misses and blows a gasket.
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Like this. They overpressured the system.

No but seriously the character using the kata gets to parry and dodge as normal for a round but can't attack. Meanwhile their MA gets boosted (to 20 in the case of this character) and they roll to intimidate. If they succeed then their opponent is at -4 to strike. As these things go it's a fairly minor ability.

For the weapon proficiencies I pick: Sword (+1 strike, +1 parry), Energy Pistol, Targeting: Thrown (+1 strike thrown), Small Thrown Weapon (+1 strike thrown) and Grenade.

For the piloting skill I pick Pilot: Hover, given the nature of most of the vehicles we can start with.

For our secondary skills I pick Body-Building (+2 PS, +10 SDC), Running (+1 PE, +10 Spd, +3 SDC), Basic Electronics, Basic Mechanics, Wilderness Survival, and Prowling.

Step 6: Reasons for Coming to Earth.

Another chart. It doesn't have conquest listed but it does have glory hound, which is similar.

Step 7: Familiarity With Earth.

Some. All of his information is 2000 local years out of date. We get three Earth languages and literacies at 90%. I choose Latin, Greek and English.

Step 8: Equipment.

Earth Clothes/Disguises:

None. Why should they hide? They're here to rule, not cower in fear!

Special Alien Weapons:

I have a choice to roll on the ranged or melee weapon charts. I can only pick one. I choose ranged, since his sword was broken, and get a melee weapon...
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Apparently there's limit to the number of right justified reaction gifs I can use in one post.

Let me just check the melee weapons... Nope, no ranged weapons hidden there.

Okay so reading deeper it's an energized weapon that can also emit energy blasts, like a blaster. As a melee weapon it does double damage. As a blaster it does 5d6 damage, has a range of 1000' and a rate of fire of 3 (1d4+1) per round. 
Meanwhile over in the melee weapons there's an energy sword, like a lightsaber, that does 5d6 damage. I decide to combine them. After losing their sword to Saitama August, the character jury rigged their blaster into an energy sword. It still works as a blaster but the power supply is hingin' aff th' bracket. Every round it is used as a blaster it gets a random number of shots, 1d4+1.

Special Vehicles:

I choose the hover platform, to go with the pilot: hover skill. It holds 1-4, travels at 90 mph and floats between 3 foot and 300 foot. I can't decide if it's like the glider from "Nausicaa, Valley of the Wind," the hoverboard thing that the Green Goblin rides in Spiderman or the flying crane-lift thing I once built in Second Life.

Image result for nausicaa wing gif
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Or this?


Money is like budget right, so £120,000 in precious metals and gems.

Step 9: Everything Else.

We have 20 base SDC and our alignment is... ...6, Miscreant.
Phew! I've been designing this guy as a villain from an authoritarian world. Imagine how embarrassing it'd be if I'd rolled them up as Principled, Anarchist or something. (hides first dice roll)

Okay so on with the character sheet.

Name: unknown
Super Identity: Perfidious Rex
Level: 1, Alien.
Height: 7', Weight: 170 lbs, Age: unknown, but juvenile or young adult.
Alignment: Miscreant.
Disposition: Authoritarian arsehole who expects everyone to do as they say.
IQ 11, ME 20, MA 13, PS 20, PP 15, PE 18, PB 11, Spd 21
Hit Points: 21, S.D.C.: 97, P.P.E.: 20,  I.S.P.: 116.

Alien Traits: 
Species: Argonian. Pointed ears, purple skin, strong psychic potential, forearm blades. No fear of heights and natural acrobat.
Homeworld: Argon. A vegetation world.
Reason for Coming to Earth: Conquest (Glory Hound).
Familiarity with Earth: Detailed records from last survey, which was roughly 2000 local years ago. So some.

Natural Skills: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 80%, High Wire 80%, Climb Rope 90%, Back-Flip 70%), Climbing 55% (Rappelling 55%)
Scholastic Skills: 
Argonian Language, Argonian Literacy, Basic Maths, Boxing, English Language, English Literacy, First Aid, Greek Language, Greek Literacy, Gymnastics, Hand-to-Hand Argonian Sword Style, Juggling, Latin Language, Latin Literacy, Pilot: Hover, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Grenade, W.P. Small Thrown Weapons, W.P. Sword, W.P. Targeting: Thrown, Wrestling
Secondary Skills: 
Basic Electronics, Basic Mechanics, Body-Building, Prowling, Wilderness Survival.

Healing Powers: 
Physical Powers:
Ectoplasm (varies), Levitation (varies), Resist Fatigue (4), Telekinetic Leap (8), Telekinetic Punch (6), Telekinetic Push (4).
Sensitive Powers: 
Astral Projection (8), Intuitive Combat (10), Sense Magic (3), Telepathy (4).
Super-Psionic Powers: 
Bio-Regeneration (super) (20), Mind Block Auto-Defense, Telekinesis (super) (10+).

Coma/Death: +6%
Harmful Drugs/Toxins: +2
Horror Factor: +0
Insanity: +3
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +2
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +2
Psionics (10+): +5
Possession: +2

Initiative: +1, +3 (intuitive)
Attacks per Round: 2+4+1
Strike: +2, (+3 sword, +5 thrown); +1 (intuitive)
Damage: +7
 1d4+7 Punch
 2d4+7 Acrobatic Kick
 2d4+7 Knife Hand or other martial arts hand strike
 3d4+7 Punch with Forearm Blade
 5d4+7 Knife Hand with Forearm Blade
 5d6 Energy Sword
Dodge: +3; +4 (intuitive)
Parry: +3; +1 (intuitive)
Roll with Impact: +5; +2 (intuitive)
Pull Punch: +0; +4 (intuitive)
Disarm: +0; +2 (intuitive)

Carry Capacity: 400 lbs; Lifting: 800 lbs.
Stamina: Carry Max 72 minutes, 36 minutes while running or fighting. Lifting for 18 rounds (270 seconds; 4.5 minutes).
Ground Speed: 14.7 mph for 18 minutes.
Swimming Speed: Can't swim.
Leaping Distance: 5 ft. high and 10 ft broad with a running start, 6 ft high and 3 ft broad from a standing start.

First son of Argon... yada yada... conquest of Earth... yada yada... picked a fight with the biggest and baddest assassin-fucker on the planet. And lost. Now, having recovered from their injuries and their opponent dead by another's hand they seek to rule the world. For Argon!

They are in complete denial that August is dead and actually really depressed. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Projects in Motion

I'm not really a game designer and I've only ever made $1.98 from writing. I can't even get my mitts on that. But I have some gaming related irons heating in the fire. Only the first one is active and I hope to be writing about it here a some point. The last is, of course, on going.

Project Tarragon Oubliette.

Formerly DaD's RPG, I'm still working on my fantasy heartbreaker homebrew. I need a better title. I'm tempted to call it "Lucid" but I'm not entirely sure why. All that follows is highly likely to change.

I got lost with DaD's because of my tendency to get fixated on the character stuff without thinking too much about how it would all work. So I went back to first principles, stripping out the character stuff and working on the core engine.

I've settled on 3d6 for my core mechanic, rather than d20. With a higher-is-better attitude, and possible exploding dice that can be toggled depending on genre.

I'm leaning towards a heavily modified Mearls initiative dice, 1 second segments (possibly no rounds; but they'd probably be 6 seconds if I have them). Ascending AC, but I want active defence rolls rather than a passive target number, with having to defend adding 1 segment to the character's next action. But I don't want too many dive rolls. Rolling 3d6 and then deciding if you're attacking or defending with it is tempting.

I've reversed the relationship between attributes and classes when it comes to Hit Dice; size of die is based on constitution while classes give bonus hit points per level. Hit points are now called Stamina and not only are they still used to soak damage but also to fuel special abilities. When a character runs out of stamina they don't drop dead but instead start losing Vitality and rolling on the Death and Dismemberment table. Stamina increases with level but vitality equals the total of strength and constitution and only changes if those attributes do. If not killed by their injuries a character dies when Vitality hits zero.

There's also Resolve, which is stress and willpower. When resolve hits zero the character starts rolling on the Delirium and Dementia tables. I might come up with the mental equivilent to vitality; sanity, psyche, or something. The size of die used to generate resolve is based upon the character's wisdom attribute with class giving a bonus to resolve. Resolve is used to soak "psychic" damage from fear and stress but it is mostly used to power spells in the form of "Wyrd".

Magic is still Vancian at its core, with spellcasters having to memorise spells which are released when the spell is cast. Or the caster can use Wyrd to hold onto the spell while still letting its effects loose. Wyrd is also used to power supernatural abilities and spell-like talents. Some characters have naturally elevated Wyrd. Most don't, with some actually being Wyrd deficient. But that's not a problem as resolve can be turned into Wyrd at a rate of 1 to 1 per second. Although I might rename Wyrd to Source. Not sure.

Ultimately I want it to be modular, with me being able to use it for whatever genres or settings takes my fancy. Such as, below.

Project Rainbow Vamp.

In reaction to the strammash over the fascistic, homophobic and generally unpleasant fifth edition of White Wolf's Vampire I decided that there needed to be a Rainbowpunk Vampires game and it needed to be built as an OSR style game.

Rainbow-Punk is a literary genre I invented. Or at least it's one I believe I named. It is encapsulated in the phrase "Be Gay; Do Crimes", which I first heard from the TheFingerFuckingFemaleFury over on Tumblr. I've yet to write anything I'd call rainbow-punk. Probably because I'm right on the outermost edges of queer culture and I'm not familiar with it enough to do it justice.

I'm planning to use the engine from Tarragon Oubliette but change the bodywork as well as the player
and GM facing stuff so it's about gay vampires.

In the world of Rainbow Vamp (final name TBD) there are no cishet vampires. All the undead are some form of LGBTQIA+.

I  want all the powers and abilities to be in Polari, not pidgin latin or greek. Unfortunately I'm going to have to come up with words that sound like polari as the lingo just isn't there. However "Vogue" for fire control and "Remould" for shape-shifting are perfect.

This is a really difficult project for me.

Fon Choille

A few years ago I got involved with the We Are Adventurers Collective over on Tumblr. Fon Choille is the home setting for my Iconic Character, a Dhampir Assassin called Jay September-Magvyr who is better known as "The Magpie". It is a vaguely gothic setting very loosely inspired geographically by the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland. It is south of the Choille Olc, a true wilderness populated by all sorts of monsters. But, ironically, very few orcs. Fon Choille means, in the local dialect, "Below the Forest". (As opposed to "across the forest", in Latin, "Trans-Sylvania")

Fon Choille in 6 mile hexes.

For three centuries it was ruled by Duke Vilias Magvyr, the vampire lord. Then his two youngest children, Jay and Octavia, slew him, killed or scattered his surviving loyalists, nicked a lot of his stuff, and then blew up his castle with Dwerthen blasting spirit. Given the chance for home rule the populace, who are mostly of Chaladeann ancestry and thus can pick a fight in an empty room, descended quickly into petty squabbles and feuds. After a century Jay returned and took over the ruins of castle Gristocit, proclaiming themselves as duke. Their intent to return order and unity to their homeland. They succeeded after a fashion. The feuding militias joined forces against the perceived "outsider" and besieged Gristocit.

The siege lasted less than three days. On the third day a woman rode into the camp claiming that she was Magda Magvyr and she alone would liberate them from interlopers. She rode up to the castle and disappeared. Hours later the assassins descended from the castle and decimated the besiegers. The slain were impaled, as in Vilias Magvyr’s time. But the assassin’s prisoners were released and the survivors of the attack allowed to rout to Dun Duglas undisturbed.

The following morning a group of riders arrived in Dun Duglas from the castle. Their leader announced that, like it or not, Jay September-Magvyr was the rightful Duke of Fon Choille and would brook no pretenders nor rebellion. Rebellion would be met the only way the assassins knew how, with the death of the county’s leadership and replacement with people of the Duke’s own choosing. A fortnight from that day said leaders, Counts, Marquis and all were expected to present themselves to the Duke at Castle Gristocit. Those that failed to attend would be replaced.

On the given date the summoned nobles, and those who laid claim to titles, arrived at the castle. They were led through to the great hall where The Magpie sat upon a modest throne. Before them on the long table was a huge cake in the shape of the Duchy, divided into it’s counties. Each alleged count was called forward. There were more than there were counties.

“How this works is quite simple,” said The Magpie. “You have a choice between Death or Cake. If you lay claim to a county then you may come forth and claim it on the table. You will then divide it between your Marquis who will then divide it between their Barons. If there are more than one claimant to a region I will decide who gets the cake. The excess claimants will be executed. If any of you are here in error then I bid you to depart now. Before the cutting starts.”
A 1-mile hex child of the above map. Minus icons and labels.
The two maps I included here are the only surviving maps of the project. It was going to be my big world building project with dungeons, adventures and stuff. Alas my desktop PC died and took with it all my maps that weren't hand drawn. Possibly for good.

On top of that I was using ACKs as part of the world design, and struggling with it. I was able to trace the issue back to presumptions made by the designers due to their odious far right politics. I had to make so many hot fixes I might as well have used something else entirely. I'm currently toying with some things in that direction.

Castle Magvyr

The ruins of Castle Magvyr were planned to be a megadungeon. Eleven levels, numerous sub-levels, the castle and it's surrounds. It was going to be the tent-pole for Fon Choille as a whole. In theory, even if I have to restart Fon Choille from scratch I can still use Castle Magvyr.

Phenomenal Paragons

A world building exercise specifically to give me something to write about in this blog. It's both getting out of control and fighting me on every post.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Heroes Unlimited: Phenomenal Paragons: Grave Digger

Valentina Graves was only 15 when a landslide buried her alive. Suffocating in the cold wet mud something sparked within her, latent mutant genes erupting with power. She emerged from the earth forever changed.
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Hello central casting? I asked for a mummified detective and you sent me a zombie! Hello?
This is the eleventh character in my Phenomenal Paragons series. The introduction to which is here. It is inspired by Jacob Pisson's World's Strongest series, here.

So I noticed that, other than Swift Justice, I hadn't posted any mutants. This is despite having created many. Jade doesn't technically count, being a super soldier by the rules. However most of the mutants I've created I've made as PCs.

So I thought I'd give you one. A mutant that is. Here we go.

Step One: The Usual.

There's no faffing around here. We're told to generate "attributes, Hit Points, alignment,
skills and education" before proceeding. Not a separate step for each. No hand holding. Just go do it and come back when you're done.
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So elevens across the board. 
HP equal PE+3 (for being first level).
I roll a 1 for alignment, so Principled. 
For education I use the optional education table I've been using since Aditi. I roll up 1 year college and trade school. On the sub-table I roll Investigator/Detective.

This gives us Native Literacy, Native Language, and Basic Maths. It also gives us the Police: Basic Training program, Police: Detective program, and one choice of a Basic program. Finally we get 10 secondary skills.

Police: Basic Training gives us: Athletics (+1 parry/dodge, +1 roll with impact, +1 PS, +3 Spd, +5 SDC), First Aid, Law, a choice from Pilot Automobile or Pilot Motorcycle, W.P. Shotgun, which I replace with W.P. Blunt, W.P. Pistol which I replace with Acrobatics (It's okay I gave myself permission; 2d4 kick, +15% climbing, +5% prowl, +2 roll with impact, +1 PS, +1PP, +1 PE, +3 SDC) and Hand-to-Hand Expert.

Police: Detective gives us Bureaucracy Criminal Science, Computer Operations, Photography, Research, Intelligence, Interrogation, Police Procedure, Streetwise.

I'm feel indecisive regarding the basic program. I'm tempted by the Professional Athlete package but it wastes a few skill picks. So instead I go with the Basic: Explorer program as it gives similar bonuses but is a much broader selection of skills. I'm also a bit bored of optimised combat characters and most of the skills we can get are available as secondary skills. We get Climbing, Dowsing, Land Navigation, Mountaineering (+1 PS, +1 PE, +7 SDC, +10% climbing), Prospecting, Spelunking, Swimming, Wilderness Survival.

For secondary skills I pick: Cooking, Running (+1 PE, +10 Spd, +3 SDC), Body Building (+2 PS, +10 SDC), Prowl, Concealment, Palming, SewingCompetitive Swimming (+2 dodge in water, +2 Spd, +1 PS, +1 PE, +3 SDC), Pilot Bicycle. I also use one pick to upgrade our Hand-to-Hand to Martial Arts.

Next we have a section about the age the character's mutant abilities first appeared and how they, and others around them, reacted. It's all RP fluff, and not particularly informative at that, but it does give me a breakdown of the rough age ranges where these abilities first manifest. In most cases (65%) this is between the ages of 13 an 20, with the next largest being 21 or older (25%). The smallest group are 12 or less, at only 10%. I use this data to generate a table and then roll on it. Our character is in the oldest group. I roll a d8 and add 12, for 15.

Now in my setting powers typically initially manifest one of two ways. Either through a dramatic and unexpected Eruption of power, often brought on through trauma. Or through a subtle Awakening of power. With mutants powers often bring physical changes, and even when they don't are dramatic in their expressions. Which is why there are far more Eruptions than Awakenings. Thinking through all the character's I've created for the setting I'd ballpark only around 20% have had an Awakening, and the number could be much lower. Which leaves 80% of them with Eruptions. As you can probably tell from my introductory paragraph this character is one of the latter.

Step Two: Cause of Mutation.

This step is actually a single roll on a single chart and, much to my irritation, includes an entry marked "Deliberate Experiment", which is a different character class entirely.

I pick "Aberrant Genetics" because I want to. 

I then use my favourite name generator to get the name Valentina Graves. This turns out to be prophetic.

Step Three: Mutant Characteristics.

I really wanted a gif of him going "Racism"

Or as I like to call it; "Mama's got book lungs and daddy never sleeps at night". Which would be a turn up for the books as the original chart in the main rules is as boring as toothache. Honestly the prehensile feet Jade Justice has are possibly the most exciting entry and if you are really unlucky you might have... (fake horrified gasp) ...brown skin.

Thankfully the Heroes Unlimited fandom has made at least one expanded mutation chart. Which can be seen here. It contains all the original entries and then some more. It has a central colour table with an option adjective table. So while you might still end up brown, it could be metallic brown. Sadly no book lungs. I'll be using it from here on out.

Rolling for degree of mutation we get "broad mutation" which gives us 2 random mutations and 2 cosmetic mutations.

Our first random mutation roll directs us to the Combat Mutations chart where we get Small Horns that are 2" long and give us a +2 damage to headbutts.
Our second directs us to the Animal Traits II chart where we generate Fast Metabolism. This gives us +3 PE, +1 PP, +3 Spd, a +2 save versus poisons and toxins, which are also reduced to half duration and effect. Finally the character only sleeps for 4 hours a day but needs twice as much food.

Our first cosmetic mutation is Odd Skin, specifically Mummified appearance. This gives us +20 SDC, +2 PE, +1 to any other attribute (I pick PS) and -3 PB.
Our second roll gives us Supernatural Hair, a single strand of which can support 500 lbs and cannot be cut by normal means. It is a (sickly) aquamarine colour.

Step Four: Super Powers.

I roll on the relevant chart and get 1 major power and 3 minor powers.

I roll for the major power and get Zombie Flesh. This is a weird form of invulnerability wherein the character can be injured but the injury has no effect. Shoot them and they've now got a hole through them, cut off a limb and they'll regrow it in 24 hours or just pick it up and reattach it, which takes 1d4 actions. The character is immune to physical damage, takes full damage from energy attacks, while poisons, toxins, gases and the like all do half damage/duration/effect. They regenerate 1d6 damage per round. They get +100 SDC, +50 Hit Points, +7 PS (which is superhuman), and +30% save verses Coma/Death.

For the first minor power I go for a movement power and get Super Burrowing. This lets us move 50' per round through dirt or 10' per round through rock and stone. If we want to leave a tunnel for others we move half as fast. We can excavate 40 cubic feet per minute, although reinforcing that takes 10-20 minutes. We can trap 10 cubic feet of tunnels in 2d4 minutes. Finally we can sense direction underground.

For the second minor power I roll up Nightstalking. This power makes the character a creature of the night, more capable once the sun goes down. It's a real grab bag of abilities. There's an intuitive time sense which permits the character to know when it's night, an ability to hide in shadows like an AD&D style thief, the ability to recognise the undead and other creatures of the night on sight, an immunity to being turned into undead, a bonus to tracking, navigation and prowling. More importantly 1000' night vision, +1 initiative, and Horror Factor 13. Finally, when it is night, they do extra damage and have increased SDC.

The third and final power I roll up is Tentacles of Hair. This is exactly what is sounds like. The character can animate their hair to form tentacles and use them as additional limbs. At first level they can form one tentacle but get additional ones as they level up. They get their second tentacle at third level. Each tentacle has PS and PP half that of the character. They also each have 30 SDC; +2 to strike, parry and disarm; +3 entangle and +4 dodge.+10% to palming and concealment as well s a 2d4 whip attack. Each tentacle can reach 40 feet. Every two tentacles grants +1 attack per round and two or more tentacles grant an increased chance of climbing.

But we'd previously determined that the character's hair was supernatural which means something more than just being really really strong. This means that the hair's strength can carry x300 its PS and lift x500 its PS in pounds. It's whip attack can do up to 3d6 damage and if its in a Mega Damage setting that's in Mega Damage. Likewise its 30 SDC becomes 30 MDC is that environment.

Name: DC Valentina Graves
Super Identity: Grave Digger
Team: P.R.A.T. Squad
Level: 1, Mutant.
Height: 5'4", Weight: 110 lbs, Age: 24
Alignment: Principled
Disposition: Nice, friendly, courteous and hospitable.
IQ 11, ME 11, MA 11, PS 25, PP 13, PE 20, PB 8, Spd 29
Hit Points: 73, S.D.C.: 181 (231 at night), P.P.E.: 20.

Mutant Characteristics:
Small Horns: 2" long.
Fast Metabolism: Only 4 hours sleep but requires twice as much food. Poisons, drugs and gases have only quarter their normal duration and effects.
Mummified Skin.
Supernatural Hair: A sickly aquamarine colour, a single strand of her hair can support up to 500 lbs.

Super Powers:
Nightstalking: Horror Factor 13. 1000' night vision.
Super Burrowing.
Tentacles of Hair: PS 12, PP 6. 30 SDC/MDC each. 1 tentacle. Strength is supernatural.
Zombie Flesh: Zero damage from physical attacks, half damage from energy. Effects of drugs and poisons already calculated above. Strength is superhuman.

Natural Skills:
Digging/Tunneling/Excavation 74%, Hide in Shadows 76%, Sense Direction Underground 74%, Trap Tunnels 63%
Scholastic Skills: 
Acrobatics (Sense of Balance, High Wire, Climb Rope, Back-Flip), Athletics, Basic Maths, Bureaucracy, Climbing (Rappelling), Computer Operation, Criminal Science, Dowsing, English Language, English Literacy, First Aid, Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts, Intelligence, Interrogation, Law, Land Navigation, Mountaineering, Photography, Pilot Automobile, Police Procedure, Prospecting, Research, Spelunking, Streetwise, Swimming, W.P. Blunt, Wilderness Survival.
Secondary Skills:
Body Building, Competitive Swimming, Concealment, Cooking, Palming, Pilot: Bicycle, Prowl, Running, Sewing.

Coma/Death: +40%
Harmful Drugs/Toxins: +5
Horror Factor: +0
Magic (Spells 12+, Circles/Wards 13+, Ritual 16+): +3
Poison (Lethal 14+, Non-Lethal 16+): +5
Psionics (15+): +0
Possession: +0

Attacks: 2+2
Initiative: +3
Strike: +0 (+2, Hair)
Damage: +10 (+1d6 at night)
 1d4+2 Head-Butt
 1d4+10 Punch
 2d4+10 Acrobatic Kick
 3d6 Supernatural Hair Whip
Dodge: +1, (+3 water; +5 hair)
Parry: +1, (+3 hair)
Disarm: (+2 hair)
Entangle: (+3 hair)
Pull Punch: +3
Roll with Impact: +6

Carry Capacity: 5,000 lbs (3,750 lbs; hair); Lift: 7,500 lbs (6,250 lbs; hair)
Stamina: Carry for 80 minutes. Carry maximum for 40 minutes. Lift for 20 rounds.
Ground Speed: 20 mph for 20 minutes. 2.25 mph digging.
Swimming Speed: 75 yards (225 ft.) per round for 20 minutes (80 rounds).
Leaping Distance: 25 ft. high and 50 ft. broad from a running start. 15 ft. high and 30 ft. broad from a standing start.

Teenaged triathlete Valentina Graves was on a summer scholarship with the Blyghton Foundation when she was buried alive by a mudslide. The experience triggered the eruption of her mutant genes and she emerged alive but forever changed. Now resembling a horned mummified corpse she returned home to Ennor and tried to get on with her life. It wasn't too much of a shock; she'd been tested positive for mutant genetics as an infant and knew it was a possibility that trauma could cause as eruption. Choosing to live an active lifestyle had been her choice. Unable to compete any more at her chosen sport she instead decided to join the police, using her "gifts" to help people.

The press gave her the nickname of PC "Grave Digger" when she arrested a suspect after he had fled through a graveyard to evade her colleagues. Bursting out of the ground "like a zombie" to make the collar.

Having recently made detective she has been transferred into the newly formed Paranormal Resources And Tactics Squad. Bringing them up to three members.